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Microsoft Surface Phone Will Likely Have a Qualcomm Snapdragon 830


Editor in Chief

According to the latest intel, Microsoft's rumored Surface Phone will probably come equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 830 chipset. The report indicates that Microsoft is tapping Qualcomm for the MSM8998 Snapdragon 830 chipset, which will use Samsung's 10nm chip process and can support up to 8GB RAM. If the final Surface Phone includes even half that much RAM, it will be well on its way as a top-tier premium device. It will mark the first time we have seen a Microsoft based phone hit those high notes with internal hardware.

Most of the previous Microsoft smartphones have been decidedly mid-range in hardware specs (except the cameras). If this report is accurate, it's good to see the company is taking this seriously enough to make their flagship device more... "flagshippy." What do you folks think? Could it give iOS and Android any serious competition?

Here's our dedicated Microsoft Surface Phone Forum for further discussion: Microsoft Surface Phone Forum

Source: Forbes
This actually would be good news although it will be interesting how they tackle the x86 App dilemma.