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Multi Touch on New Type keyboards?


New Member
Has anyone seen any depth as to improvements with the trackpads on the new keyboards? I think the multi touch, especially two finger scrolling, is not consistent enough on my current type keyboard. I've ultimately stopped trying to use it all together because I just got tired of the functionality being hit or miss. Not a huge feature, but whenever I get back on my MacBook I immediately recall how great it has to have that feature.

Anyway curious if anyone on the forums have tried both and might have insight as to if they got it working this time around.
The track pad on the type cover is partially bad. I like you avoid using it because it just annoys me every time and I'd like to think it has been improved this time.
The new Covers use the Touch Cover's design for the Touchpad but now it supports Windows 8 Gestures and some additional gestures for deleting and selecting text.
Great news thanks. Ive never had a problem with the touch cover but type has been terrible.
Great news thanks. Ive never had a problem with the touch cover but type has been terrible.
That's interesting.

I like the current touch cover and was looking to buying a type cover 2 because it was claimed to be as thin and the touch cover 1. Didn't realize that there were issues with the type cover 1 so that is great news indeed.