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new Lumia 950XL user- ask me anything!


Well-Known Member
so I just bought and received my 950XL 48 hours ago and I figured I would leave my impressions in case anyone is interested... I will be referencing and comparing it to my L1520 a lot ;)

1) hardware is very cheap compared to my L1520 and although I don't have that creaking back cover problem like others are reporting to have, I can't help feel that it will eventually happen with this cheap plastic back cover. But at least having a removable back cover gives me CHOICES like different colors or different backings like the beautiful Mozo cover and the ability to swap out batteries if I ever decide to buy an extra battery. My device is working flawless so far and not plagued with problems like others seem to be having and my phone is working problems free.... for now? the only problem I had is with the Lumia offers app that was SUPPOSED to give me a free dock for continuum but kept giving me "wrong operating system" and was for windows 8.1 and up... LOL wut? don't I have windows 10 on this bloody device? I treid everything humanly possible to get this working with no such luck! I just gave up and decided I will call Microsoft support to clear this up!

2) screen- even though this screen has a better screen to my L1520 I don't see it as a WOW factor or POP over my L1520 and when I placed them side by side the L1520 held itself pretty good compared to my L950XL but text are a little clearer on the L950XL... Also I find things and icons and everything actually BIGGER on the L1520 (because of the lower rez obviously) and so I find I can see stuff better on the L1520. but the screen is beautiful on the L950XL that's for sure but I already do miss the huge screen real-estate of my L1520.

3) wireless charging! wow I can't believe how much I missed this since my L1520 AT&T phone didn't have this but I did have this on my international L1520 when I had it briefly but sold it due to battery problems.... and I can't wait to get my car wireless charger holder so I can not worry about battery... which leaves me to my next item

4)Battery- The battery life on the L950XL doesn't even begin to compare to the L1520, as I have been using it heavy the last 48 hours with setting it up and listening to music, surfing the net and having the screen brightness at 50% the battery by the end of the night needed to be charged as it would be at around 28% left by midnight.. with the L1520 I didn't have to worry about charging it for 2 days! and still had around 23% still left when I would put it on the charger... I'm hoping when windows 10 mobile will be better situated with all the updates and windows 10 streamlined that the battery will sort itself out and normalize like the L1520 (but I doubt it)

5) Windows 10 mobile- what can I say about windows 10 mobile? its a cool concept and I can see where they wanna go with this but right now for ME, its a little of a mess given with the battery drain problem and old apps that aren't compatible with it yet and new apps that aren't available yet and you can tell that windows 10 mobile isn't a polished OS. lets hope that changes in the near future with updates and stuff... Then the fun will begin!

6)Iris scanner- I like the Windows hello to unlock my phone and is a really cool feature to have and even works with my reading glasses but I find myself using the pin to get into my phone faster as I don't find windows hello fast enough.

7) camera- I haven't used the camera yet so I can't really comment on this at the moment but will be putting it through its courses in the near future....

all in all this is a really good phone and I am extremely happy with it so far as it is working flawless for me and not having the trouble others seem to be having and I would def recommend this anyone to get this phone BUT wait till windows mobile 10 get sorted out. that's my 2 cents worth ;) take it or leave it
How are you doing with the Lumia?

I have a 930 that has a slightly dodgy charging port now... (Not a problem with wireless chargers but still). And I REALLY dont' want to go back to android or venture to iphone...what's holding me off from getting a 950 is the buggy Windows 10 Phone.....

Looking on Amazon UK there's plenty of good reviews but still some saying the OS is shocking for bugs. This really puts me off - have you come across this yet or is your experience still flawless?
sorry for the late reply! yes my L950 XL is still working flawless and getting better and better with the updates... there's still some quirkiness to win 10 but nothing major or anything to put me off to my phone.
every once a month and have fixed the wifi for some and Bluetooth disconnecting for others... and other things for other people. I don 't know them all as my device is/has been working flawless
I got mine today. I have to say I'm quite impressed with Win 10 on the phone so far. Lots of very nice tweaks. the screen is amazing and the slightly tweaked homescreen "look" and extra customisability is very nice indeed. Outlook mail and calendar are LOADS better. Plus other apps seem better too like the fitbit app. More aesthetically pleasing.

I have run into one problem/bug/missing feature with the camera app though. on the 930 I used to be able to take a picture in rich capture and then edit the rich capture afterwards (like change the flash amount etc)... this doesn't seem possible on the new phone I just get the normal editing options???? Is this the case or is it a bug?
Actually I just realised I had to update 38 apps... lol. After that the "choose lighting" worked :)