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New Surface RT


New Member
Hello everyone! I purchased a Surface RT tablet a little over a week ago and really like it so far. It's my first Microsoft-centric device in about 15 years because I've been living in the Apple world since about 1998. I am not planning on really changing that, but I wanted to learn how to use Windows 8 on a true touch interface. I didn't need a full Surface Pro because I have Windows 8 running in VMWare on my MacBook Pro. Therefore, the Surface RT was fine for my needs.

I do like the full version of Office on the Surface RT. It means that I can grade papers without having to carry my full laptop with me--something I cannot do on my iPad.
Congrats on your Surface. Aside from Office you will find may other things the Surface is capable of that the iPad is not (usb port and micro SD for starters). Since you are running Win 8 on a MacBook, don't forget to try out RDP. This will allow you to login to Win 8 (certain versions excluded) on your laptop and run any legacy apps or full blown Windows stuff you want (Chrome or iTunes for example) right on your RT. Since it is Windows 8 you are remoting into it will also be fully touch capable :) As long as you have an internet connection this means you will not have to carry a laptop for even more heavy duty or legacy Windows work when on the go.
Just remember it has to be Windows 8 Pro for you to connect via the RDP (from what I understand)
Sent from my Windows 8 device using Board Express Pro
Welcome and I have a similar background as being a Mac user, iPad, and Mac Air. I have a netbook running windows for work which I have all but abandoned for the RT. My old job used only Windows machines and over the last few years were going to the online path of Google Docs and such to share work amongst all of us. So I have used both and found good and bad in both the Windows and Mac OS systems over the years. I went for the iPad because I really wanted a touch screen way of computing and it would sinc with my iPhone that I was able to get cheap and share a bunch of apps I had already bought.

I had a Galaxy Tab that was my 1st experience with a touch OS and liked it for many reasons, especially portability. I had not had a smart phone at the time and it was great to have all my books, music, photos, 3G Internet available on one device when out of town. I was hooked and later bought a smartphone so I could keep my computers and other peripherals home. The RT looked great, had the new interface I wanted to try and I really like the live tiles and rarely go to the desktop. I am semi retired and my days of needing office everyday is unnecessary but great to know I have it if needed. The type cover is a great idea and works fine for my use. Never could type fast! lol
Good luck with your RT. The more I use it, the more reasons I find to like it.
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Thanks for the welcome.

I tried out a Galaxy Tab as well as an HP TouchPad last year. Although I really liked them, I didn't have much distinct purpose for them and eventually sold them. Ultimately, I just like technology, and I like trying out different devices and staying familiar with various OS's. I gave up the issue of taking sides in the OS wars. I use what I use, but don't begrudge anyone for using something different.

I have a feeling that I'll keep this Surface RT instead of eventually selling it because it's distinct enough from my other devices that I believe I can make a place for it within my workflow. Plus, I'm really interested to see how Windows 8 will develop, and it seems to me that it is best experienced on a touchscreen device. I understood more about Windows 8 after having the Surface RT for two days than I had understood from having it in VMWare for months on my MacBook Pro.
Thanks for the welcome.

I tried out a Galaxy Tab as well as an HP TouchPad last year. Although I really liked them, I didn't have much distinct purpose for them and eventually sold them. Ultimately, I just like technology, and I like trying out different devices and staying familiar with various OS's. I gave up the issue of taking sides in the OS wars. I use what I use, but don't begrudge anyone for using something different.

I have a feeling that I'll keep this Surface RT instead of eventually selling it because it's distinct enough from my other devices that I believe I can make a place for it within my workflow. Plus, I'm really interested to see how Windows 8 will develop, and it seems to me that it is best experienced on a touchscreen device. I understood more about Windows 8 after having the Surface RT for two days than I had understood from having it in VMWare for months on my MacBook Pro.

I understand completely. I too enjoy playing around with tech gadgets. I had an RCA e book reader that connected using a dial up modem, black and white screen, and future music downloading which never happened. It was so cool to use and plenty of books were available. Then the website went under and the reader could not get books easily from other sources. Now we have Kindle, Nook, Amazon, but I still have a great memory of the RCA because it was different and did a great job for what it was. Very crude by today's tablets, but it still works today.

I am not really tied to one kind of system myself. I like my iPad, but never got into using iPods. I have a Nexus 7 and it works well and reminds me of a giant cell phone. But it is light, easy to hold, and android has become better with the jellybean OS and App Store.

When the RT was introduced I was hooked. The design, touch cover, unique form factor. I was use to using Windows XP, so I had some navigating issues with the new interface at first. But like anything the more I explored and used it, the better the experience got. I remember the same issues when I first used iOS on an iPad after being on OS 10 for years on an old PowerBook. I find that fun part. Trying different items. Like computers, tablets, cameras. The interest level is surely not the same for each one, but the best way to find out if it works for you is to give it a try. I just have to make sure I do not go broke from this kind of hobby! Lol. Attached a photo of the old with the new.
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