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No Media Player on RT


New Member
I was messing with an RT at Best Buy and I noticed Media Player is not included. What App is used to play movies? XBox looks like a store and a player for movies from the store. Is VLC on the App store?
I was messing with an RT at Best Buy and I noticed Media Player is not included. What App is used to play movies? XBox looks like a store and a player for movies from the store. Is VLC on the App store?

Besides Video (which must not have been pinned to start on your best buy device) I'm finding Media Monkey to be quite good, while waiting for the VLC port to Metro.
VLC is on its way for RT. Got an update on their Kickstarter this morning - progress has been slow due to their commitments of developing everything on Linux and other issues. It sounds like they are getting close.
Also, I am very happy to hear that Xbox music is getting a complete re-write in Windows 8.1. They finally have it working pretty well now, after multiple updates, but at launch, it was horrible - almost unusable.