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I bought a US Surface, but I am using it in the UK. It is working on an adapter AT the moment, but makes the plug rather bulky. I want to just buy a replacement bit that goes from the wall to the unit. But it looks like MS have used a unique connector. I can't seem to find it on the internet.

My questions are:-

Does anyone know a website I could buy one off?

Is that part the same as a surface pro1 or 2?

Is there a technical name for the connector I could do a search on?

Hi, welcome to the forum.

Are you talking about a Surface Pro 3, or a different model?

If SP3, I doubt you'll be able to buy the proper replacement cord, until the SP3 goes on sale in the UK shortly.
I had convinced myself that it wasn't a standard figure of 8 connector. Taking a second look it definitely is, I even have one laying around the house. Doh!!

Thanks for the help.
