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Possible to sync Surface Pro calendar to Outlook Exchange calendar?


New Member
We have an Exchange server at work. Would it be possible to sync the Surface Pro's calendar to my work calendar? I'm able to do this wirelessly on my iPad just by entering my email account info, and only selecting the calendar to sync. Is something like this possible on the Surface Pro?
Yes Surface Pro should be able to sync. Do you plan on installing and using Outlook on the Pro?
Yes Surface Pro should be able to sync. Do you plan on installing and using Outlook on the Pro?
I wasn't planning on it, and just wanted to use the default mail app. I did want the default calendar app to be able to see my work calendar though.
Since you the Pro has the ability to run Outlook I'd recommend it for now. The standard MS apps leave a it to be desired. I'm sure they will be updated but they are currently pretty rudimentary.
I don't currently have Office or Outlook on my home PC, and I really didn't want that added expense right now. I'm still debating picking up a Surface Pro at this point, and am just trying find out it's capabilities. That Apple's iOS devices and built-in apps allow me to sync with my work Exchange account and Microsoft's devices can't, really doesn't bode well I think.

But assuming I did get Outlook and install it on the Pro, would it just be a matter of entering my account info like I do on the iPad?
We have an Exchange server at work. Would it be possible to sync the Surface Pro's calendar to my work calendar? I'm able to do this wirelessly on my iPad just by entering my email account info, and only selecting the calendar to sync. Is something like this possible on the Surface Pro?

Which calendar are you talking about? The calendar (Hotmail) used byt the Calendar app? The Exchange calendar? In Outlook 2013, you can open both Calendars and copy information between them. There is NO sync. That augmentation software is only for older versions of Outlook.

The Mail app will be able to open your Exchange emails via native or IMAP.
Which calendar are you talking about? The calendar (Hotmail) used byt the Calendar app? The Exchange calendar? In Outlook 2013, you can open both Calendars and copy information between them. There is NO sync. That augmentation software is only for older versions of Outlook.

The Mail app will be able to open your Exchange emails via native or IMAP.
Okay, I'll try and simplify this. I just want to have the Windows 8 Metro calendar app show my work calendar appointments and such, I don't care about email just the calendar. We use Exchange and Office 2010 at my work. Maybe this isn't possible with the default calendar app, but that's what I'm trying to find out.
Okay, I think I figured this out. If the Pro's email app is the same as the Windows 8 Metro email app, and I'm pretty sure it is, then I'm good to go. I have Windows 8 Pro on my home desktop PC, and I added my work's Exchange email account to the Metro email app on my PC. That worked just as it did on my iPad, and gives me the option to sync Email, Contacts and Calendar - nice! :)
Good to see you got it worked out and it was a simple fix. I guess we tried to make it harder than it was because everybody is always talking about needing Outlook and the default apps are too simple so they have to go with the Surface Pro ;)