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Problem with Skype


New Member
I have just purchased surface 2 and cannot believe that it is not possible to sign out of Skype It was confirmed by both Skype and Microsoft
So the situation is that while having chat on Skype on laptop the whole chat s being displayed on surface 2 Mega design fault
Why isn't there a simple sign out option?:mad:
Even when the app is fully closed? (As in, swipe from top and hold at bottom until the tile spins.)
Even when the app is fully closed? (As in, swipe from top and hold at bottom until the tile spins.)
Ok thats that bit sorted thanks .Now how do you sign out Its crazy that Microsoft thinks you want to be logged in all the time I just want to sign out Is that a lot to ask that Im in control of my privacy not Microsoft ?
Skype (like most software) wants to be your default app for personal internet telephony and if it isn't running how will you get calls or messages? MS has made a big play with Skype, making it across devices (including Xbox). Their investment is huge, going so far to merge the Lync and Skype Teams into one org.
Ok thats that bit sorted thanks .Now how do you sign out Its crazy that Microsoft thinks you want to be logged in all the time I just want to sign out Is that a lot to ask that Im in control of my privacy not Microsoft ?

You're making an issue out of a non-issue. Like Jeff commented, having the app disconnected from your account but still running serves absolutely no purpose--Skype is not a web forum where you should be able to view other people's conversations without logging in. If you don't want it running in the background, then close* it.

*The only valid complaint is that Microsoft doesn't tell users how to properly close apps in Windows 8.1, as opposed to just putting them to sleep.
Skype (like most software) wants to be your default app for personal internet telephony and if it isn't running how will you get calls or messages? MS has made a big play with Skype, making it across devices (including Xbox). Their investment is huge, going so far to merge the Lync and Skype Teams into one org.

I dont care what they want ! Me like nearly every person I have spoken to including MS and Skype help lines think its intrusive to privacy not being able to sign out of an app Im very pleased that they have invested huge amounts of money ,so have I by purchasing a laptop and a tablet last weekend ....now all they have to do is spend a few more of their millions of profit in adding a sign out option then me and 1000s of their customers will be happier with the product instead of telling everyone that win8 and rt version are absolute nightmare
Do you work for Skype or MS btw ?
You're making an issue out of a non-issue. Like Jeff commented, having the app disconnected from your account but still running serves absolutely no purpose--Skype is not a web forum where you should be able to view other people's conversations without logging in. If you don't want it running in the background, then close* it.

*The only valid complaint is that Microsoft doesn't tell users how to properly close apps in Windows 8.1, as opposed to just putting them to sleep.

It is a massive issue that you cant sign out of the app like you can on win7 and every other os It might not be an issue to you but to me and lots of people I have spoken to it is .
Why cant I just hand my tablet to other family members to log in and out of Skype to talk to there friends like I can on my laptops?
I dont care what they want ! Me like nearly every person I have spoken to including MS and Skype help lines think its intrusive to privacy not being able to sign out of an app Im very pleased that they have invested huge amounts of money ,so have I by purchasing a laptop and a tablet last weekend ....now all they have to do is spend a few more of their millions of profit in adding a sign out option then me and 1000s of their customers will be happier with the product instead of telling everyone that win8 and rt version are absolute nightmare
Do you work for Skype or MS btw ?

No, I don't work for MS or Skype. MS is one of my customers though. I'm a long time Windows User and happen to really love the Surface Line of Products and Windows 8.x. The computing landscape has changed hugely since Windows 7 shipped and I come from the mind set that we the long time Windows stalwarts need to adapt or end up like those who clung onto OS2 Warp.
It is a massive issue that you cant sign out of the app like you can on win7 and every other os It might not be an issue to you but to me and lots of people I have spoken to it is .
Why cant I just hand my tablet to other family members to log in and out of Skype to talk to there friends like I can on my laptops?

As far as I understand it, the Skype app(*) as Microsoft is envisioning it is now connected to your Microsoft Account.

The Surface with Windows 8 design is to separate users into their own custom setups via Microsoft Account, which means setting up separate user accounts at the OS level. Generally the thinking there is simply that parents wouldn't want their kids to have the same level of control and access to apps, data, and settings, so the concept of "logging in" and "logging out" has evolved to be more encompassing than discretely app-based--in other words, the thinking is that giving global OS-level user setups and access is more consistent user control than allowing a bunch of discrete apps to save those kinds of settings.

So how to "log out" and hand over to another user? Create another user account and have them log in at the OS level. You would have to "log out" and they'd have to "log in" either way.
No, I don't work for MS or Skype. MS is one of my customers though. I'm a long time Windows User and happen to really love the Surface Line of Products and Windows 8.x. The computing landscape has changed hugely since Windows 7 shipped and I come from the mind set that we the long time Windows stalwarts need to adapt or end up like those who clung onto OS2 Warp.

I too have using windows for years not tecky at all just a simple person who wants simple things like control of my computer/tablet .The surface is OK but to be honest the apps store is pretty pathetic but I can deal with that Im sure it will improve Im not sur how I will end up but you will never convince me that not being able to log out of your communication prog is correct (check internet there are many that agree )
As far as I understand it, the Skype app(*) as Microsoft is envisioning it is now connected to your Microsoft Account.

The Surface with Windows 8 design is to separate users into their own custom setups via Microsoft Account, which means setting up separate user accounts at the OS level. Generally the thinking there is simply that parents wouldn't want their kids to have the same level of control and access to apps, data, and settings, so the concept of "logging in" and "logging out" has evolved to be more encompassing than discretely app-based--in other words, the thinking is that giving global OS-level user setups and access is more consistent user control than allowing a bunch of discrete apps to save those kinds of settings.

So how to "log out" and hand over to another user? Create another user account and have them log in at the OS level. You would have to "log out" and they'd have to "log in" either way.

It is so funny that you are telling me all the ways round this problem instead of agreeing that a simple signing in and out process would solve the problem .It gives the option to the customer those that want it on stay signed in those like me can sign out so so simple I don't want or need different user acc .
You will not convince me this is correct and MS should change it As I have said both MS and Skype help lines have told me they have many calls on it and it is mentioned of many forums too .I thank you for you input sir
It is so funny that you are telling me all the ways round this problem instead of agreeing that a simple signing in and out process would solve the problem .It gives the option to the customer those that want it on stay signed in those like me can sign out so so simple I don't want or need different user acc .
You will not convince me this is correct and MS should change it As I have said both MS and Skype help lines have told me they have many calls on it and it is mentioned of many forums too .I thank you for you input sir

It's not a problem: Close the app properly if you don't want to keep receiving notices.

Sharing devices often leads to additional security and privacy issues, so OS-level control makes sense. There is only one extra step in the log in/out process to hand the device over to another user. Quit whinging.

The comments about this on other venues amount to one simple thing: Can't adapt to change. None of these new behaviors are insurmountable. Sort of like how some users couldn't figure out the universal search charm in Windows 8. (I can see the Skype notifications being a problem on a phone only, if there isn't an easy way to stop the service, but that shouldn't be the case of Skype on WinRT.)

As an individual, you have free will to adapt or move on and can very easily do so. If you can't adapt to how Skype+Windows 8+MS Account works now---all Microsoft products---then sell your Surface and get a Windows 7 laptop.

There, end of issue.