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Question regarding rebooting


New Member
When I do a full shutdown of my Surface 3, and then immediately try to restart it with the power button, nothing happens. I need to wait about 15-20 seconds, then press the power button, and then the device will boot up.

Has anyone else experienced this? Some sort of "feature" where the power button is disabled for some period of time after shutting the machine down?
I've noticed this with my Surface Pro 3 too - I had assumed that it hasn't really shut down initially.
I recall reading that MS made changes in Win8.x related to faster startup whereby the normal shutdown isn't a shutdown as we used to know it, more like a deep hibernate. I wonder if this process is still finalizing with the screen and fan off (and you can't hear the SSD spin down) during the 15 seconds?

I don't think you have a problem though...
I've noticed this with my Surface Pro 3 too - I had assumed that it hasn't really shut down initially.
I recall reading that MS made changes in Win8.x related to faster startup whereby the normal shutdown isn't a shutdown as we used to know it, more like a deep hibernate. I wonder if this process is still finalizing with the screen and fan off (and you can't hear the SSD spin down) during the 15 seconds?

I don't think you have a problem though...

Hmm, well I did a real shutdown from the command prompt as instructed in that link. I was then able to boot it back up immediately, no more delay. So it appears that you were right, cool!

I was also having some issues checking windows update from the control panel/PC settings app last night. Both of those would hang and I would have to force quit them. I had tried start>shutdown and then powering back on, and that didn't fix it no matter how many times I tried. Well, after doing the full shutdown from the command prompt, it works!

Apparently going start>restart also does a full shutdown and power up cycle. This is good to know for troubleshooting.