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Quick Way to Skip Songs with the Music App?


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Quick Way to Skip Songs with the Music App? Apparently Not :(

I have been searching but couldn't find anything.

I have been using the Xbox music app on my surface tablet. I like it.

I know that you can use the keys on the type cover to either pause, play, volume up or down and this will bring up a little player where you can actually touch the screen to skip songs.

I hoping there is a simple way to just skip songs without having to touch the screen. Key combination or something?

Thanks in advance for any help.



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Well this is not what you want to hear, but I have been using a new app, gesture2launch, you can set gestures for it. BUT you will need to make contact with the screen. :LOL:you know that is the point with Win 8- touching the screen.
well I was hoping for an easy way to skip tracks while im working on something else.

I don't want to have to switch back to the app or adjust the volume to get the player control to pop up.

Is there just a simple way to get the mini player to pop up?
I normally snap too but with gesture 2launch you would need to swipe from the Rt to get the charms bar to pop up, than you would draw you gesture, a letter x for example to skip forward , etc. The good thing is you can do that from metro or on the desktop. But you still have the issue of touching the screen. I also have a Bluetooth speaker hooked up to my surface while I work and can change songs, pause, etc. from the controls on the speaker.
yeah it would be nice if they made it where if you press the pause/play button on the type cover twice it would just skip the song
'Snap' is an integral part of the RT OS and IMO that's why the feature you're looking for isn't there.
'Snap' is an integral part of the RT OS and IMO that's why the feature you're looking for isn't there.

What? No offense dude but thats total BS. They let you pause and play from the keyboard, adjust volume from the keyboard, but said "hey, since snap is an integral part of the OS lets force the user to use this if they want to skip tracks" :LOL:

In the image that I posted you can see the mini player control. This pops up whenever you adjust the volume, or press pause/play on the keyboard. This mini player allows you to skip traks by pressing on either the forward or backward arrow on the screen. No need to have the music app snapped.

Not sure if is MS reps read these forums but since it seems its not possible at the moment to either skip tracks via the touch or type cover or even get the mini player control to pop up with a gesture "you must either adjust the volume or pause the song to get it to pop up".

It would be awesome to implement these features. The first could be simple as program the app to skip if the pause/play key is pressed twice in sucession. The second not sure how difficult.
What? No offense dude but thats total BS. They let you pause and play from the keyboard, adjust volume from the keyboard, but said "hey, since snap is an integral part of the OS lets force the user to use this if they want to skip tracks" :LOL:
Yup, Snap is an integral part of the OS and the app is limited. No BS.
If you have RT you are limited to snap or touching the screen in the mini player. It will take an MS update of the Xbox app or another player app to correct this. If you have the Pro you can do exactly what you are asking with any number of players that you can install on the desktop and have persistent mini player and the ability to control it just like under Windows prior to Windows 8. This will only work in desktop though. If you want the mini player to be useful and control music while you are using Modern UI apps, refer to the first sentence for RT.