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Solved Sp3 Pressure Fix - And my thoughts/fixes so far

I find the pen surprisingly poor in freshpaint. Biggest issue is getting used to the darn side buttons on the pen
Freshpaint is a good example to use. Especially since it uses the native pen drivers, not the wintab.

Photoshop CC properly updated uses the native drivers.
CS6 Uses wintab

Having simlar results in all apps.

Including: Maya, Z-brush (& Skulptris)

The problem in my opinion is getting the pen to say it's @ 100% or maximum pressure. This prevents clean lines.

We just need to turn down the threshold as my pen at least tracks different levels of pressure appropriately, just too hard to get it at or close to max to make it useful.

I have a much more powerful pc, and I have been pairing the Intous Pen & Touch to my SP3, super pissed about this. Defeats the whole purpose of the tablet, basically using like I do with the desktop or laptop for drawing now.
Bit of a follow up here:
I have tried many, surface pro 3 demo & displays and all the results of pressure are the same or worse than my own SP3 so I figure nothing is defective (as mentioned before) or not how it "should" be.

I have however succeeded in achieving natural feeling drawing using ArtRage.
The sensitivity options work perfectly how I would want and I can FINALLY get a taste of how things will feel once a universal Pressure Setting is implemented.

I am using the 4.xxxx version on TPB, I am pretty impressed with the program. I will probably be purchasing the 4.5xxx version from their site. They also have a demo (but limited) if anyone wants to try it (legally). Highly Recommended.

I only used mine for writing notes in OneNote. Palm detection and occasionally just not writing were issues. The pressure though was only an issue in that it would vary line width way too easily and made the writing weirdly uneven.

I went back to my SP2 which is great.
Freshpaint is a good example to use. Especially since it uses the native pen drivers, not the wintab.

I've had to ditch freshpaint. I've learnt how it works with the pen and find it inexcusable. Unless im missing something (crucial) then I've found the only way to create even a strong stroke, let alone a bold one, when doing outlines, is that you have to go really really slowly with the pen, which naturally results in anything but a smooth line. Worthless. Pressure is almost irrelevant.

I've also noticed in freshoaint (havnt tried other apps yet) that the ink does not follow the pen nib, rather it follows the tip of the silver pen casing. So unless I hold the pen almost upright to the screen, then it is just a bad experience. When I draw I like to use my tool at a pretty shallow angle, and in fresh paint, this means there is about 2mm between the tip of the pen, and the cursor thing.
Have you run the calibration, using your pen how you would actually hold it, rather then hitting the points directly. (if that makes sense.)

You should give Artrage a try. Use the pen settings within it. And let us know.

I'm really anxious for Microsoft to come out with the extra options they said they would release.
I'm curious what you think of Sketchable in terms of pressure and overall responsiveness. I ended up buying this app as well (also bought ArtRage) and find that that it's one of most fluid apps out there, though more limited in scope. The company said that layer support should arrive any day now. It's a shame that this app is not getting the press it deserves.
Freshpaint just functions terrible with the pen. Other apps with the Wintab drivers installed work flawlessly. The pressure ranges in Photoshop CS6 and Z-Brush are great. I can get extremely light to extremely dense lines. Freshpaint seems to be more of a finger drawing/captive-stylus app. It seems really odd due to it coming pre-installed.
a quick note that helped me out a lot - pull the tip out of your pen and reset back in.

my pen was performing horribly. it would hardly write, especially at an angle. I almost returned the machine. things are working wonderfully now.
I took the other half of the pen apart. Took out and reset the small screw and battery @ the eraser end.

Does the tip just pull out or twist?
Googled it. Tip pulls out with finger nails.

Eric, you deserve the cookie on this one. Removing the tip and putting it back in, completely fixed the pen.

It now works just fine in Freshpaint, whereas before I had to press very hard. I now it clean lines.

I'll give some more input when I get home.

Thanks Again.