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SPro4 Rear camera issue?

Thanks for the tip on the app store! The camera can now take pictures...lots of video noise on the screen at times still and some pictures are pretty grainy in low light compared to my iPhone 6+ (also an 8mp camera). And, it's good to see it working...
Thanks for the tip on the app store! The camera can now take pictures...lots of video noise on the screen at times still and some pictures are pretty grainy in low light compared to my iPhone 6+ (also an 8mp camera). And, it's good to see it working...
Image graining is due to the small camera sensor. That is a perfect example that megapixels (mp) means nothing. A really large sensor will make the camera really big but will capture a massive amount of low light giving you a sharp crisp low light picture as you see it in real life. That is why DSLR cameras will always be superior to smartphone cameras. As they have the room, and the target market has the money to spend on large image sensor. This is also one reason why filming cameras at the professional scene are so big.

Another element is that on iPhone, and all high-end phones, the camera software does a lot of post-processing where it tries to adjust the image to make it look better than the original shot. The camera app under Windows 10 does none of that. It is up to the drivers to do the work, which you can expect cameras from the high-end Lumia line to do for Windows 10 Mobile devices, but not the camera of the Surface line, or your laptop camera and so on. This is basically a cost cutting measure, and seen as "not needed", as cameras on tablet and laptops, or webcams on PCs are seen to be used for video chat like Skype, so the best image quality is not really needed as the video feed gets compressed in any case, unless both sides are close together and runs on really fast internet connections.
Image graining is due to the small camera sensor. That is a perfect example that megapixels (mp) means nothing. A really large sensor will make the camera really big but will capture a massive amount of low light giving you a sharp crisp low light picture as you see it in real life. That is why DSLR cameras will always be superior to smartphone cameras. As they have the room, and the target market has the money to spend on large image sensor. This is also one reason why filming cameras at the professional scene are so big.

Another element is that on iPhone, and all high-end phones, the camera software does a lot of post-processing where it tries to adjust the image to make it look better than the original shot. The camera app under Windows 10 does none of that. It is up to the drivers to do the work, which you can expect cameras from the high-end Lumia line to do for Windows 10 Mobile devices, but not the camera of the Surface line, or your laptop camera and so on. This is basically a cost cutting measure, and seen as "not needed", as cameras on tablet and laptops, or webcams on PCs are seen to be used for video chat like Skype, so the best image quality is not really needed as the video feed gets compressed in any case, unless both sides are close together and runs on really fast internet connections.
Good to know! Thanks for the info. In that case, perhaps we are par for the course re: the camera...
My rear camera is not working too, when u turn it on the window camera will crash after u run one time (also cant take any photo...) if u try to start up the window camera it wont start and the start menu will crash too... but i turn rear camera off at device management every thing is work, my front camera can work normally...
Is anyone else having problems with the rear camera and snapping pictures with SP4? While the front camera seems to work OK, I've had limited success with the rear camera - nothing happens when I push the camera icon/button...

Sometimes I can get the rear camera to autofocus by pushing/holding the focus cursor, sometimes not.

In addition, the picture seems to be dropping out on the rear camera when I move it around...almost like colorful "noise" on the screen.

This fixed my camera issue(s) Use with caution as you must utilize your Registry Editor. Once I ensured the missing Registry entries we added - I rebooted and BAM!!! The Camera worked without flaw. I did this on a friends SP4 and it gave him Monitor errors in the device manager - I simply reinstalled the SP4 Drivers / rebooted and all camera issues were gone.

Heres the link:

My Surface Pro 4 Camera Suddenly Stopped Working in Skype • /r/Surface