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Surface Care Team doesn't care

Yeah, customer service of the excellent kind is becoming more of a rarity these days.

In MS' case, they are selling an excellent product at a premium price but not offering premium customer service to go with it. That is a huge disparity between what MS thinks is great service and what Apple provides every day. I think it will bite the Surface line in the ass over time.

To be honest. I didn't get a great service with Apple. In fact, the service is horrible over the phone, and nothing is "in warranty" based on what is broke on the Apple device that you have.
You HAVE to go to an official Apple store to get good service. In my case, where I lived, there was no official Apple store where I loved when my iPod broke (famous white screen issue), under thw warranty period. Ended up buying a Zune 120. Still works today.
Anyway, now there is an Apple store, so now they just replace your device, and everything is great and smooth. A friend had his iPhone broke, called, got horrible service, and refused to fix it or replace it. He went to the Apple Store, instant replacement.
Boy, your experience with Apple doesn't match mine in any way. I live in rural southern Illinois and there is not nor probably will there ever be an Apple Store here. All my interactions over the years has been via phone or chat and has been excellent. The last was with an Airport Extreme that really was out of the window of warranty coverage yet they still tried to help though there wasn't any help that would work short of replacing it. They wouldn't do that as the AE was 1 year outside the window.

I can call them with almost any question concerning my Apple gear and get good answers, though sometimes the answers of the "wish that wasn't the answer" type. Their superlative customer service is a big reason I stay in the Apple camp. the other is the superb ecosystem. Like a contact is a contact in any app on any Apple device and is available to any app that needs it, that is one very not true thing about contacts in Windows sad to say.

I love my SurfacePro, but if I had to reduce my technology around here my Apple gear would have to be pried out of my cold dead hands!! :)
I have similar problems with Surface Care/Service.

I have requested an advanced exchange, but due to whatever problems, Microsoft can not process Swedish credit cards AT ALL. This has persisted for a long time and their support person even told me that many if not all Swedish people have this problem.

For this reason I can't get an advanced exchange. I can't use the regular exchange because this is my only device and I use it for work every day so I can't be without it.

Since they have confirmed the problem is theirs I asked that they figure out another way to deal with this so they can send me and advanced exchange. They refuse and give me nonsense replies, basically stonewalling the whole thing. I have received emails and callbacks that say nothing at all. I was even transferred to MS Office Software Support (!!!!????) for some reason.

The problem is that their shitty support is outsourced to a company called Convergence, which is why they can't escalate the problems to someone in the actual MICROSOFT Surface team that would care.

Does anyone have a connection in the real Surface team that we can contact?
The problem is that their shitty support is outsourced to a company called Convergence, which is why they can't escalate the problems to someone in the actual MICROSOFT Surface team that would care.

Does anyone have a connection in the real Surface team that we can contact?

Well, my friend Daniel told me that he is the final authority, so.... And that was the last message I received from him - over a week ago.

I guess I should be thankful that I can at least do an advanced exchange - even though they consistently end poorly. At least my Surface is mostly working and I can continue using it throughout this nonsense.

Although, this is certainly not my worst customer service experience. That dubious honour goes to Canon Canada. I sent a lens for some out of warranty service, costing $300, and they sent the lens back in a worse state than I sent it. The most infuriating thing was that they refused to acknowledge the problem, saying that it was "within spec". I provided dozens of photos taken before and after the servicing along with the settings and conditions that made the fault most apparent. It turns out, after sending the lens and camera in couple more time, that they did not even test the lens according to my instructions. They only test the lens according to their methodology which apparently showed the lens to to be "within spec". My tests were apparently outside the usage envelope of the lens. Finally, I was able to provide a test setup that met their standards (a meter stick taped to a brick wall) that clearly showed the flaw. They reluctantly agreed to send me a new lens. All in all, I was without the lens for about 9 months and the camera for about a month. It turns out that Canon was outsourcing their servicing to Sun Camera.
To be honest. I didn't get a great service with Apple. In fact, the service is horrible over the phone, and nothing is "in warranty" based on what is broke on the Apple device that you have........

I agree with all the others who disagree :D.

I've had multiple phone contacts with both Microsoft and Apple Support; and they have been night and day different experiences. Apple phone contacts speak both understandable english and understand their own technology. Microsoft support is hard to understand and is quick to hand you off when they have no idea what you are talking about as soon as you get any deeper in the discussion than: "my device isn't working properly and here's what I've done to troubleshoot".

Another BIG difference: When Apple Support says they will contact you, you WILL get either a call or email within 24 hours .......
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I agree with all the others who disagree :D.
You disagree that GoodBytes had a bad experience with Apple customer support over the phone? There are thousands of customer support people at these companies, chances are the support is going to vary a little. For example, I had the opposite experience dealing with MS over the phone as you did. Obviously we were talking to different people.
You disagree that GoodBytes had a bad experience with Apple customer support over the phone? There are thousands of customer support people at these companies, chances are the support is going to vary a little. For example, I had the opposite experience dealing with MS over the phone as you did. Obviously we were talking to different people.
Never said that he didn't have a bad experience. I disagree with his statement that "Apple's support is terrible over the phone".

Support will vary a little, he may have had a bad experience with Apple and you may have had a good experience with MS. You both seem to be in the minority here and in every customer satisfaction poll I've seen.

But hey, it's a beautiful day and I'm currently riding a motorcycle from Tampa to Alaska, so I'll agree with whatever you want.
Totally jealous. Sold my bike when my twins were born 4 years ago, and have had an itch ever since... What ya riding?
Well, this forum is rather dead since the SP3's release. Perhaps it time for another non-update on my never ending ordeal.

After several truly unproductive exchanges with Daniel, it is clear that getting a new SP2 is just not going to happen (regardless of how badly they screwed up over the past months). In Daniel's last message to me (over three weeks ago), he offered to have the service center inspect the device to make sure I get a good device. Having little choice I took him up on this offer, but I also wanted to be able evaluate the device for up to a month (as opposed to the customary 15 days) before having to send my current device back. Apparently that was enough to scare him away. Three weeks and half a dozen gentle reminds later and... nothing... So I guess it is time to start from square one with another "Care" team member. Oh, joy...
Three weeks and half a dozen gentle reminds later and... nothing... So I guess it is time to start from square one with another "Care" team member. Oh, joy...
I feel for you -- I had my own personal nightmare dealing with replacements when I purchased my SP2. Makes me wish I liked Apple PC/Laptops. The complete opposite of my experience dealing with Apple when I have had to replace various iPhones and iPads over the past few years: quick, hassle-free and painless. Dealing with the Microsoft support ecosystem is like getting a root canal without Novocaine.