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Surface RT Sync With Exchange Account "Unavailable"


New Member
I really want to like the Surface RT.

Sync with Exchange Server works 10% of the time. Most times, it comes back "[email protected] is unavailable". Randomly, it will work. Very frustrating. My iPad, Nexus 7, and iPhone sync flawlessly with the same server/account.

I'd use OWA in the interim, but it doesn't render properly and hangs while loading the Inbox.

Dropbox...finally on 1/11

When does the Mail app get fixed?


Frustrated CIO
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Thx! I did review the thread previously. Certificates aren't the problem. I can connect...I've sync'd before numerous times. The problem is consistency.

All day today, it wouldn't sync reporting "[email protected] is unavailable". Then, 30 minutes ago, it started working again. In a few hours, it will fail again...sometimes for minutes...sometimes for days.

It doesn't matter if I'm on local wifi at the office, Fios at home, etc. The Mail app isn't ready for prime time, specifically if you are an Enterprise user. There are other reports of this on the web. I can't count on the Surface to be reliable like my iPad and Nexus 7.
I'm using an exchange account (personal one) and the only time I've seen account unavailable is when I've had problems with the WiFi connection, that is when I'm at work and tethered to my laptop's 3G and then only in poor reception areas. I've not had to install any certificates.

To be fair, the RT isn't supposed to be used in a Enterprise environment. It doesn't have all the necessary support etc. . The pro is the one that does.
Sent from my Windows 8 device using Board Express Pro
To be fair, the RT isn't supposed to be used in a Enterprise environment. It doesn't have all the necessary support etc. . The pro is the one that does.
Sent from my Windows 8 device using Board Express Pro

So, what environment is the RT supposed to be used in? I have $199 Android devices in use everyday syncing with Exchange and running Enterprise specific native Apps. Same for IPads. For sales reps, service techs, and field supervisors..they perform well. Put an OtterBox on them, and they are pretty durable.

I'm evaluating the Surface for those users who also have a need for a more robust Office experience vs Cloud On, etc. I would expect Active Sync to be a basic capability on any device in any price range.

At $600, it's awfully expensive toy. $900 for the Pro? That's well beyond a reasonable price point.
There's a lot of literature out there regarding the RT and the Pro. Loads of comparisons both official MS and via reviews from the press agencies, forums etc. If you had done research before you bought the product you would have known what the RT's limitations are and the market it's aimed at - consumer not Enterprise. It's really that simple. That's why the version of Office provided is Home and Student, not Enterprise/Pro etc. Evaluating the RT for say potential BYOD for Enterprise will not be successful in all areas.
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Evaluating the RT for say potential BYOD for Enterprise will not be successful in all areas.

Sad, really. I had my PC group buy just one to evaluate it for just that reason. We're a Microsoft shop. Microsoft promised more, fell short, and have assembled the requisite fanboys to defend their short comings. I still do like the the basic Office capabilities, which for most would be adequate.

I wouldn't say I'm a fan boy particularly. I'm just not a sheep and I go for what's best for what I want and need. I wanted a clear separation between work and home therefore no desire to connect the tab to Enterprise or install work related/desktop apps. I have a powerful laptop and desktops for that. I did loads of research before I went anywhere near the MS store and I was lucky that I had access to other devices before I made an informed decision. The RT suits me. It doesn't suit everyone
Sent from my Windows 8 device using Board Express Pro
I would look into your Exchange setup, I Sync both an On Prem Exchange Account and an Office365 Exchange Account without any Sync issues.
Although the RT is not specifically for the enterprise the real issue is that it has only been out for 3 months, Microsoft still needs to address issues for the basic consumer let alone enterprise users. The iPads and Android tablets have been out for some time and have matured to offer more enterprise features or apps that can fill in even though they are also more of a consumer device. The best thing that could happen for RT is to let the jailbreak community to have their access, I think this would be positive for the tablet. Microsoft for the moment doesn't seem to be pushing back on it.
There's a lot of literature out there regarding the RT and the Pro. Loads of comparisons both official MS and via reviews from the press agencies, forums etc. If you had done research before you bought the product you would have known what the RT's limitations are and the market it's aimed at - consumer not Enterprise. It's really that simple. That's why the version of Office provided is Home and Student, not Enterprise/Pro etc. Evaluating the RT for say potential BYOD for Enterprise will not be successful in all areas.
Sent from my Windows 8 device using Board Express Pro


I wouldn't say I'm a fan boy particularly. I'm just not a sheep and I go for what's best for what I want and need. I wanted a clear separation between work and home therefore no desire to connect the tab to Enterprise or install work related/desktop apps. I have a powerful laptop and desktops for that. I did loads of research before I went anywhere near the MS store and I was lucky that I had access to other devices before I made an informed decision. The RT suits me. It doesn't suit everyone
Sent from my Windows 8 device using Board Express Pro

Chibnut is right. You may be the evaluator but you haven't even looked at the most basic details of the device. These are all well known issues and the device is plainly and simply not designed for enterprise use. It might be helpful if you read through this forum more, about Windows RT more and some more reviews before jumping in and trying to find fault with a device you have not researched and has certain known limitations.

That all being said jnjroach and R0bR are also right. There are ways to make things work without too much effort. You also need to look at your setup before jumping to conclusions about issues. You may also be in violation of the Home & Student Office license agreement if you use it in an enterprise situation. You need to look into Office 365 in that case.

This has nothing to do with fanboys and if you pay attention people here are actually trying to help you. Microsoft didn't over promise anything if you had read even the most basic info. Honestly, the way you come across is as an evaluator who is not doing their job and asking others to do it for them. There is no reason you should be in the dark about the limitations of Windows RT, the licensing terms for the included Office or the limitations of available apps that will take some time to come. How much could you do in the first 3 months of the iPad or Xoom tablets being released?

Once you have done the proper research, you may know if the Surface works for your needs or not just on the documentation. If it doesn't move on. If it might, then you can see how it works out with your evaluation unit. If you have specific questions instead of general gripes and can detail specific issues (so far you have listed one) then chances are the kind people here will do their best to help you out but the attitude you have going in about it will probably dictate the quality of response you get.

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Back to the issue at hand. Have you installed all of the Surface updates and rebooted? Have you monitored your wifi connection? It sounds like your wifi could be going in and out causing your issues. The first place to start is with your router and make sure the firmware is up to date and that you have powered it down and back on to see if the problem is there. Check for channel congestion. If not and you are still having wifi issues, you may have a wifi bug that is known or possibly defective hardware.

Start by trouble shooting the wifi connection. If it turns out to be consistent and steady you can move on to looking at your exchange setup.