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Surface want Bitlocker Key after boot from USB


New Member
first of all sorry for my bad english skills.

I have a big problem but no solution for it. Yesterday i wanted to do a Clean Install of Windows 10 on my Surface P3. So I downloaded the ISO from Microsoft and then I made a bootable USB-Stick. In the UEFI/BIOS I set the boot order to USB -> SSD. After that I restarted to boot the ISO. All in all I get a blue screen with the message I should insert the Bitlocker Recovery Key from the drive. But I NEVER had a Bitlocker on my SSD or USB. Now I can do nothing with my Surface because Windows ask me every time for the Key when I boot my system.

So my question is: What can I do ?
I have the fear I can throw my Surface in the bin :/
i have already Check my microsoft account but no key is stored :/. Can I do a hard reset with the hard keys on my surface ? The datas on my surface i dont really need so this would be an option in my opionin.
i have already Check my microsoft account but no key is stored :/. Can I do a hard reset with the hard keys on my surface ? The datas on my surface i dont really need so this would be an option in my opionin.
I don't know how is possible that you have no key stored online although I'm sure there's a way :)

You have nothing to loose from attempting a full RESET from the Recovery USB. It's really no different than if you had to replace your disk but I have never had to do that.