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Thank you SP for sucking


New Member
Well I've had tons of issues with my SP and I've finally got irritated enough that I tried to refresh it just now and of course it failed. Now gotta save everything and do a reset. Hopefully it doesn't bomb itself in the process. Considering how its performed so far I'm going to prepare like it will. Yay, great start to spring break...
OK, so refresh doesn't work, reset doesn't work, repair doesn't work. None of the options work and now the SP is a freaking brick. Thank you for sucking balls, you're going to get returned b!tch.
If I had all the trouble you did I would had been on the phone with tech support non-stop.
Don't deal with phone tech support , they suck and do not send it in for repair because they will send you back a used machine. Take it to a MS store and get a new one.
OK, so refresh doesn't work, reset doesn't work, repair doesn't work. None of the options work and now the SP is a freaking brick. Thank you for sucking balls, you're going to get returned b!tch.

Can you explain the EXACT steps you took to arrive at this point? Or are you just angry and ranting and looking for a reason to take it back? :shocked:Seems to me you are impatient and so all the troubleshooting steps taken MUST have been deliberate and methodical, right?
Can you explain the EXACT steps you took to arrive at this point? Or are you just angry and ranting and looking for a reason to take it back? :shocked:Seems to me you are impatient and so all the troubleshooting steps taken MUST have been deliberate and methodical, right?

Seems to me somebody thinks he knows the situation when he doesn't have a clue. Sorry dude but I don't have time to write a novel for someone that will ultimately say "call tech support". I wasn't looking for your advice here. Ranting? Oh yes. Take it back? Can't, no MS store nearby. Tech Support? They basically confirmed that my SP was a brick and to ship it back so I can get myself a nice refurbished unit. Whatever, as long as it works and looks decent enough to get sold, I'm ok. Seriously not looking forward to the next 11 months and waiting for my refurbished SP to die.
Guys, relax. Someone who has a terrible experience may not be a 'hater,' or 'stupid,' or 'crazy since you haven't called support.'

People have had different experiences. This guy may, as I said before, have had the unit that UPS dropped.

When the lone dissenter complains, no matter how rudely, we have choices: to listen, to not listen, or to disagree. But to hurl insults lowers us.

Let's take the high ground. Listen, let him have his say, and move on.

I disagree with him. My Surface experience has been wonderful; better than any tablet in the history of tablets.

But I respect his opinion, even if delivered in a barroom manner.