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The problem with Microsoft...

The same people who are complaining... th (3).jpg

Well here is your new start button...........thCA6DFEJF.jpg
Lol, yeah go with that. The "tough crap" approach when dealing with a small minority of unhappy consumers in order to better satisfy a much larger group for the foreseeable future ALWAYS works.
fixed. Every major OS shift goes through this. Even a lot of blindly loyal Apple users got very upset when OSX shifted to x86 hardware and required them to buy all new computers. Of course, they all willingly obeyed in spite of their frustration. That move was one of the best moves Apple ever made on the desktop OS.
Well it looks as if TPTB at MS have finally seen the light and are agreeing with me. The Start Button is good not because it is the best possible way to do all things, but because PEOPLE JUST LIKE IT. That's the point. Does McDonald's make the world's best hamburger? No but you don't see them discontinuing the Big Mac because there are better hamburgers. They add other items but they dance with the one that brought 'em.

The Start Button is MS's Big Mac and it looks like it is coming back because, well, people just like it.

Windows chief hints at Start button return in Windows 8.1, says it 'might be helpful' for some | The Verge
Yes, in the leaked builds there is a Windows Button in the lower left corner but when you click on it you end up on the Start Screen. There is no evidence of the return of the Start Menu.
Yes, in the leaked builds there is a Windows Button in the lower left corner but when you click on it you end up on the Start Screen. There is no evidence of the return of the Start Menu.
sort of like biting into big Mac and getting a mouth full of chicken nuggets:big smile:
Yes, in the leaked builds there is a Windows Button in the lower left corner but when you click on it you end up on the Start Screen. There is no evidence of the return of the Start Menu.

And if MS pulls that BS in the final build it will be a huge fail because IT'S NOT WHAT PEOPLE WANT!

WHAT PEOPLE WANT. You get that MS? Not what MS wants, what THE PEOPLE WANT. MS keeps tossing out this garbage about how no one ever used the Start Button anyway. Well we now KNOW that was complete BS because people don't scream for something they never used. You think MS is talking about putting the Start Button back because a small minority is asking for it?

Most arrogant, tone deaf company ever.
20120220-big-mac-rice-cooker1.jpgStart button= start screen:LOL: "you asked for start button not start menu." MS focus group
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This thread reminds me of the Lottery Ticket Joke.

Night after night the man kneels next to his bed and prays to God, “Please God, let me win the lottery.”

This goes on for quite some time; finally, the man goes in his bedroom, kneels down next to his bed and prays one last time, “Please, Please, God, I’m begging you please! Let me win the lottery!”.

After a moment of silence, he hears a voice, “Give me a break, buy a ticket!”

With as much effort that has been put into threads like this, and with so many third party Start Button programs out there...

Give us a break, download a Start Button!
Aint nobody got time for all this Start button, Start screen whining!!!

And if MS pulls that BS in the final build it will be a huge fail because IT'S NOT WHAT PEOPLE WANT!

WHAT PEOPLE WANT. You get that MS? Not what MS wants, what THE PEOPLE WANT. MS keeps tossing out this garbage about how no one ever used the Start Button anyway. Well we now KNOW that was complete BS because people don't scream for something they never used. You think MS is talking about putting the Start Button back because a small minority is asking for it?

Most arrogant, tone deaf company ever.

Small minority groups always scream the loudest. Honestly, which do you think is more likely - The big bad company that you think is obsessed with profits at the expense of their customers sets out to change a product just to piss off all its users so they won't buy it and they'll loose money .


MS do lots of focus testing and all of their data points to the vast majority of people really not minding much and actually liking the new OS once they get used to it.

I know which one I believe.
God I so enjoy being right. Here are MS's hardware partners saying pretty much exactly what I have been saying. Maybe there is hope for Windows 8 yet. Maybe MS will listen.

DailyTech - Computer Makers Hopeful at Prospects for Windows 8.1 Update

Executives from computer maker Acer have noted that Microsoft is being more "considerate" to its partners and has begun adopting suggestions made by partners "at a high percentage."

"When we were talking to Microsoft, our input to them is balance,” said Acer President Jim Wong. “The world in the next five years is not going 100 percent to touch. Although touch makes a lot of possibilities for PCs, you need to take care of the rest of the world that doesn’t need touch."

Windows Chief Tami Reller acknowledges that there are issues with Windows 8 and that the software giant is working to adjust to consumer feedback. She stopped short of confirming any specific feature changes, but rumors continue to hint that Windows 8.1 will see a return of the Start button.

So are you now claiming that even MS's hardware partners have no idea what their customers are telling them? When are you people going to realize MS's focus testing isn't worth spit?

** Remember, all of you in here are evaluating Windows 8 on a very high end touch device. But MOST people that use Windows 8 without access to touch are VERY disappointed. Sadly for MS, this "non-touch" minority is 95% of the market.
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