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Very Interesting Article on the Surface Pro storage


New Member
"The MacBook Air 128 gives you 77.3 percent of the advertised storage space for user data. The Surface Pro 128 gives you 75.2 percent of its advertised capacity for storing data. And with one minor tweak that doesn’t affect the system’s capabilities in any way, you can increase the amount of data storage space on the Surface Pro to 81.8% of the advertised capacity."

Full Article here: Surface Pro versus MacBook Air: Who's being dishonest with storage space? | ZDNet

There's a pretty awesome chart comparing the storage...
Finally picked up by a main stream source. About time. This is definitely a dirty little secret of the whole industry but for whatever reason Surface reviewers decided to pull this out as a major punch again MS's hardware.
Finally picked up by a main stream source. About time. This is definitely a dirty little secret of the whole industry but for whatever reason Surface reviewers decided to pull this out as a major punch again MS's hardware.

I totally agree. It is good to see with your own eyes that the Surface Pro's storage is actually on par or better than its direct competition.
That was a good read. Unfortunately, the damage is done. No one reads the follow-up explanation; they only care about click-bait sensationalist headlines. The headline "Surface Available Disk Space Actually Quite Reasonable" doesn't get as many clicks as "BREAKING: Surface Comes With Zero Disk Space."

Now, someone explain to the masses that the 11.6" MacBook Air gets the same or worse battery life.
Some of those ZDNet MS reports appear to be fair. If I 'was' to purchase a Pro it would certainly be the 128GB. I can see plenty of road warriors picking up the Pro in the coming months.
Surface Pro versus MacBook Air: Who's being dishonest with storage space? | ZDNet

Finally ZDNet looks into the 'problem' with the Surface Pro and low storage by comparing the Surface Pro 128 and the MacBook Air 128.

Microsoft has been pummeled by critics this week over supposedly inadequate storage space in its new Surface Pro. But those criticisms are horribly flawed. Big surprise: when you do the disk space math, Surface Pro and MacBook Air are practically twins.

Surface Pro versus MacBook Air: Who's being dishonest with storage space? | ZDNet