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Windows 10 Preview on Surface Pro 3

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Was gonna say that your pen battery is probably dead. It dies without warning!
no 10125 has issues with the pen. It will work and then it won't. I thought it was plugging other devices in then it suddenly stopped working again. Turned off Bluetooth and it started working again.

Can you do 10125 ISO over 10122 and keep all settings?
I tried it but for some reason lost my WiFi ability, drivers showed it was working but it wasn't ended up having to do a fresh install to get it to work.

I noticed that some Apps were not updating from the Store (beta) on Windows 10 Preview Builds, even after selecting "Downoads".
After running this command, they all came in.
%comspec% /c start ms-windows-store:updates

(Note: I also have a shortcut created for this command.)

Hmmm. I'm having the same issue on my 10122 install on my desktop. Apps show as having updates in the non-beta Store (and update without issue), but the updates don't show in the beta Store.

Thanks for the command, I'll have to give that a try. Good to know, in a strange way, that it's not just an SP3 problem.

I noticed that some Apps were not updating from the Store (beta) on Windows 10 Preview Builds, even after selecting "Downoads".
After running this command, and they all came in.
%comspec% /c start ms-windows-store:updates

(Note: I also have a shortcut created for this command.)
Ah, remember I asked you about that some posts back. Glad to find you found the correct answer this time
Nice and happy using 10125 and then the start menu stops working again. Reset multiple times but nothing is making it work. Might just stick with 10074 for a while or go back to 8. Tired of resetting it every day.
Nice and happy using 10125 and then the start menu stops working again. Reset multiple times but nothing is making it work. Might just stick with 10074 for a while or go back to 8. Tired of resetting it every day.

The 'Start Menu bug' is related to the 'wake from sleep' bug on the Surface Pro 3. Seems the Start Menu thinks the Surface is still asleep. I've grown used to it - might have to restart every day or two.
I really am curious as to why all of the Windows 10 builds seem to run so hot compared to Windows 8.1. Shouldn't things be more efficient and therefore cooler?
Nice and happy using 10125 and then the start menu stops working again. Reset multiple times but nothing is making it work. Might just stick with 10074 for a while or go back to 8. Tired of resetting it every day.

Am not having any Start Menu issues at all.
I really am curious as to why all of the Windows 10 builds seem to run so hot compared to Windows 8.1. Shouldn't things be more efficient and therefore cooler?

If I had to guess, it's all the debug code running in the background. Things always get better when that stuff is finally stripped out prior to shipping.
Under "Recently added" on the Start Menu, they should allow more than a single app. I know you can access them all after clicking "All apps" but it's another step. Is there a setting to fix this?
The 'wake from sleep' bug and the interminable spinning wheel at shutdown or restart have taken me to the edge. I literally let the little bugger spin for two hours last night just to see if it would ever actually shut down on its on. It didn't.

I've got 145GB of virtual machines on the SSD that are in a state such that I'm going to have to back them up before rollback and that's going to cost me a couple of hours, but rolling back to 10074 and waiting for 10130 or whatever's next. Of the six builds I've iterated through thus far 10122 has been utterly redonkulous; can't take it any more.

If 10130 is an improvement on 10125 I think you'll be pleased. This is the first W10 build I've actually started to enjoy.

I think it may be be a good idea to reinstall 8.1 after doing a full hard wipe to the bone before flashing these releases and flash the ISO over that. I think giblets get left behind from prior builds that a standard wipe misses and they cause problems.
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