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Windows * 32-bit OS on Surface


New Member
Has anyone tried loading the 32-bit version of Windows 8 on a Surface pro?
I have an app that will not run on the 64-bit version.

Has anyone tried loading the 32-bit version of Windows 8 on a Surface pro?
I have an app that will not run on the 64-bit version.


I believe it's not supported. Surface Pro is UEFI 64-bit only. I believe (but cannot remember for sure) that you can install 32-bit Windows 7 (ick).


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You shouldnt have to install win8 32 just fore an app. Instead you should just be able to run in compatibility mode.
Can you install Hyper-V on the pro to use VMs? Or any other VM platform for that matter.
32bit code works without issue on x64, what will not run is 16bit code, that is only reason the OP would need to downgrade. Hyper-V would be a better solution...

Yes I know its built in I just wasn't sure if the CPU was capable. Would be a good way to run 32bit code.

I run Hyper-V on mine with these images- 1) Windows Server 2012 AD, 2) Windows Server 2012 + SQL Server 2012, 3) Windows Server 2012 Core + SQL Server 2012 Core, all at the same time. Fine, I do this on an Acer S3 i7 with 256GB SSD and 4GM memory. I'm pretty sure the Surface Pro with i5, 4GG memory and 128GB SSD can do one Hyper-V image of Windows XP or Windows 7 32-bit.
32bit code works without issue on x64, what will not run is 16bit code, that is only reason the OP would need to downgrade. Hyper-V would be a better solution...

16 bit code? I don't think I have seen any since the early 90's. Wonder what the app is?
Unfortunately many businesses and Enterprise Companies invested hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollar into specialty software in the 90's and have been reluctant to replace it or upgrade it, the other dirty secret in the software industry is that installers compiled with InstallShield up until around 2006ish had both a 32bit and 16bit install routine by default, you had to go into the advanced settings and remove the 16bit Installer routine. When I was doing Enterprise Deployments during the Vista era, I was bit (pun intended) by this a couple of times and had to use the Application Compatibility Toolkit to remediate the Installer.
My last post wasn't very clear. I've had a few problems installing the Hyper-V roll on some Intel CPUs so didn't want to assume the pro could run it.

And I meant Hyper-V can run any program in it respective supported OS weather 64, 32 or 16 bit.