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Best Buy Has the Surface in Stores in the US


New Member
I did a search in my area and there are numerous stores that have the Surface in stock according to the website. I'll be going this weekend to see what the deal is.
I did a search in my area and there are numerous stores that have the Surface in stock according to the website. I'll be going this weekend to see what the deal is.

i got mine in staples yesterday. but they didnt have display set up yet. i would be interested in how its being presented at retailers. if you could report back to us
Really glad to see stores are starting to carry the Surface. I wish they would have started a little earlier, like on black friday, but at least it is prior to christmas. I think once folks use the tablet for a short time they will fall in love with it.
I actually just got back from BestBuy and they have a little windows booth with a Microsoft person around it.....I actually got to use the tablet, and i can say that it is the best tablet out right now. I was a little sad about the screen resolution, but you seriously cant tell from a "retina" display.
Went to a local Staples today and there was no sign of it, plus the people were pretty busy, so I didn't ask about it. I'm hoping it will be here soon.
Got mine in Staples earlier today, they had just gotten it in and were still setting up the display. But they had plenty of stock of both models and the covers

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I actually just got back from BestBuy and they have a little windows booth with a Microsoft person around it.....I actually got to use the tablet, and i can say that it is the best tablet out right now. I was a little sad about the screen resolution, but you seriously cant tell from a "retina" display.

Hi GreatWindows, I love the Surface and seriously prefer it over any tablet on the market, but to say you can't tell the difference between the displays is perhaps looking through rose colored glasses in my opinion. My wife has an iPad 3, and I have compared the two displays side by side and the "retina" display is very noticeably better. Is that one advantage enough to make up for the other advantages the Surface has? In my opinion, no. But would I love to have the iPad 3 display quality on the Surface? Yes!
I've used most of the tablets out there and I enjoy the surface the most. Browsing the internet is noticeably better on the surface. The ipads square screen and lame interface are a huge turnoff for me.
Howdy! Really excited!

Been going back and forth looking at an Asus notebook and the Surface. Well I feel great now because I am a Rewards member at Best Buy and very good financing with no interest had me dealing with them to finally purchase the Surface today when they finally got them in.

I'm looking forward to watching the videos I noticed on the forum to assist with getting around using the Surface. Guess I am not doing too bad so far making my way here to join the forum. I will read through posts as well to pick up additional info. Looking forward to this new experience. Android was getting stale to tell the truth.

Best regards!
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I just drove over 40 miles to an MS Holiday Store last Friday to get my surface after two local Best Buys told me they no clue when they would get their stock in. Then Sunday I went to BB for something else, and what do I see? surface on display, with plenty in stock...

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