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Correlation of Age vs Like or Dislike Win8


New Member
Hey has anyone done a poll like this
I'm curious. I hear people who like win8 and people who don't like it.
But has anyone done a poll to see how old these people are who like or dislike it?

I guess you don't have to tell us your specific age, but give us a range like I'm 27 so.

25-30 I like it. I can adapt. I don't hate it


Well-Known Member
Hi Kroogy, great idea. But I suggest you delete this thread, and create a new one as an actual poll, which will let you create specific responses and then present an actual voting-style poll in your new thread.


Whilst that would be interesting I think more valid would be those who have tried it on a touch device vs those who hadn't.

I was a full on Windows 8 hater having only tried it on a traditional laptop/PCs because nothing was intuitive but it was an absolute revelation trying it on a SP3 (/any touch-screen device) because the whole thing is incredibly intuitive for touch and many of my day to day tasks are much faster using a combo of mouse/keyboard and touch.