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High Activity While Asleep... Reprise


Active Member
I hadn't experienced this in a long time at this point but tragedy is back: I pulled my SP4 out of my bag super hot. I'd guess that it was around 70 degrees, very uncomfortable to hold and the heat radiating out of my bag. It wasn't obvious when I took it out of sleep what was causing this in Task Manager. No idea if this is just a continuation of the old bug or whether it's a new one (since I haven't experienced this in at least a month).

Looking at the battery report, it turned itself back on immediately after I put it to sleep and put it in my bag and stayed awake for the next 2 hours, burning through 50% of my battery (96% -> 46%). I'm starting to lose confidence that Microsoft can make a consistently competent product. I was so hopefully this time after the past month's basically perfect performance. I just hope nothing was damaged as it stewed in my bag.


Well-Known Member
powercfg /LASTWAKE Reports information about what woke the system from the last sleep transition.


Active Member
I'd recommend using hibernate. I found sleep to not be very reliable on the SP4. They promised a fix in early 2016, so until then, use hibernate. I had this happen to me, too, once. Since then I shut down or hibernate.


Active Member
Just tried the powercfg /lastwake and it told me basically nothing:
"Wake history count - 1
Wake history [0]
Wake source count - 0"


Well-Known Member
The best reason for not having an app wake it, which seems to be the case would be a power button press. That seems to be happening a lot. Especially when it never turns on by itself unless put in some type of case.


Active Member
To be fair, the last time I woke it up was with a button press. I take it there is no record of previous wake ups?