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Nokia Windows RT tablet

With a snap 800, full HD screen, pen and keyboard for under $500 this could be a contender. However I fully expect them to blow it with no pen, crap screen and too high a price.
Why don't any of the OEMs releasing Win 8 tablets use the 4:3 aspect ratio? It would make reading books etc. a lot easier (perhaps at the cost of movies, but...).
Apple has had the market for IPS 4:3 panels, they enter into exclusive deals with OHVs to prevent others from copying. Some of the Chinese knockoff Tablets use 4:3 but they are using TN Screens...
After moving from an iPad to the Surface, I thought widescreen was a bit awkward, but not when I pick up an iPad, it feels weird to me. I think its just a matter of what you are used to. I actually like reading and sometimes web surfing in the long portrait mode.

A Nokia RT tablet could make things interesting. Hopefully, they don't get crazy and make millions more than they can sell like MS did with the Surface. By the time I'm ready to upgrade my RT, things should be very interesting...
After moving from an iPad to the Surface, I thought widescreen was a bit awkward, but not when I pick up an iPad, it feels weird to me. I think its just a matter of what you are used to. I actually like reading and sometimes web surfing in the long portrait mode.

A Nokia RT tablet could make things interesting. Hopefully, they don't get crazy and make millions more than they can sell like MS did with the Surface. By the time I'm ready to upgrade my RT, things should be very interesting...

Its funny isn't it. I find reading books - primarily PDFs - on the iPad a much better experience than on my Surface RT and Nexus 10. However, I do find that surfing the web and watching movies much better on the Surface (and the Nexus). But for working on Office documents, the Surface, for me is the best. All this, of course, leaves me with the unenviable (and costly) situation of having 3 tablets - the Surface (for Office work, surfing and movies), the Nexus (for movies and surfing), and the iPad (for reading books)!!!!
If the Surface RT had sported these kinds of specs and pricing from the start it would not have failed:

Nokia Windows RT tablet may resemble a Lumia, carry an iPad-like price

First, I don't consider it a "failure" yet. Its a V1 venture into something completely new. It did not meet expectations, but I think expectations were insane.
Second, I think those specs and that pricing (which is the same at Surface RT - equal to iPad) would have yielded the same results.

Surface RT did not fail to sell because it didn't perform well enough or wasn't slick enough hardware-wise. It failed to sell because of a lack of apps. Period. Few people wanted an iPad competitor without the iPad app store for the same price. Even throwing in Office wasn't enough to woo the masses. It was great for me and many of us here, but it wont be taken seriously until the apps are there. That could take 4-5 years at the current rate.

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