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8.1 Recovery image...


New Member
Does anybody have the downloadable recovery image for the Surface 3 laying around? Windows 8.1.

I've been trying for weeks with MS to get it due to it only giving me a blank page when I try to download it with no resolution.

I can create a share if anyone would be so kind. 150/150 connection so it shouldn't take too long.

Unfortunately no. Been trying for weeks. MS it's some glitch. Blank page. No download. It's not DNS. A browser issue etc, etc. been through all possibilities.

Ok well I hate to dredge through the obvious, but.... tried a different browser? Different machine?
Ok well I hate to dredge through the obvious, but.... tried a different browser? Different machine?


Three ISPs. 5 machines. 4 OSs. 5 different browsers. DNS modifications.

MS acknowledged it's some issue on their end but two weeks later they haven't corrected it.
It is downloading very slowly but it is working for me in the US, I needed to enter my serial number to start the download.
It is downloading very slowly but it is working for me in the US, I needed to enter my serial number to start the download.

The fun part is that if I use a SP3 serial number, I can download an image. If I use my S3 serial number, I cannot. And since a SP3 image won't do me much good I can only find it amusing. MS said it's something on their end, but I'm getting slightly impatient.
The fun part is that if I use a SP3 serial number, I can download an image. If I use my S3 serial number, I cannot. And since a SP3 image won't do me much good I can only find it amusing. MS said it's something on their end, but I'm getting slightly impatient.
Do you have a MS store near by? They can reimage it....
In the distant past MS Support would post downloads on a separate area for support case issues, don't know if they still do that.

Not sure why a serial number is needed for the download... really... I might try to recover my Lenovo Laptop with it eh?