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8.1 Recovery image...

Just to set the record straight Microsoft Technical Support EXPLICITLY & STRAIGHTFORWARDLY recommends to use another serial number to download a required image for Surface 3 (& Surface 3 also though don't quote me for this particular model). If you so want I can post the Transcript of not one but 3 different chats with Microsoft Support representatives where they confirm and even suggest & recommend that I use a different serial no. to download a different recovery image. And this even when one of those 3 representatives had consulted his senior manager on how to obtain a Win8.1 image for those Surface users who had Win10 pre-installed. As per that senior manager too, one CAN use the serial no. of a DIFFERENT PIECE/SAMPLE of that model to get the recovery image, so you can't blame the lower-rank employees of not being aware of the do's & don't. I can absolutely provide the Transcripts of these chats (if you so want) which confirms Microsoft DOES NOT SEE ANY PROBLEM with users using a different serial number to obtain a different recovery image to what the device originally came with. Infact they didn't just suggest, but actually recommended to use a different serial no. to download a different recovery image.

I could have easily got the serial no. from a physical Service Center in my country but the thing is- Surface 3 hasn't launched in my country, only the Surface Pro 4 launched (and most likely Surface 4 non-pro also will, if & when it launches in US), which you know came with Windows 10 from day one. Thus, visiting a service center will not yield any result.

Come to think of it- the reason why Microsoft asks for your serial is to (1) make it very easy for one to download without having to go through the hassle of 'selecting' the exact image for your device, since most users are not very tech-savvy, and (2) Not force-recover using a wrong recovery image which may brick your device, and (3) reduce the download traffic just in case it is abused to bog down their servers.
The way I see it- it is an overly-automated ('overly' for us, not for the non-technical people) and probably dumbed-down, Apple-ish kind of way of doing it. Nowhere is it apparent that Microsoft does this to PREVENT users from installing a different version of Windows.


This is the reason I questioned you that how exactly does sharing the serial no. affect the warranty of the particular piece in question. But apparently you are misinformed that downloading a recovery image is somehow interlinked with your Microsoft User Account. It isn't. Anyone can go, enter a serial no. and download a recovery image without bothering to login or even create a user account.
A couple of things, Microsoft Online Chat Support is outsourced, EULA (a legal and binding contract) trumps what is said unless the send you a legal waiver. I'm personally in contact with the Surface Team, the actual people who build and support the product.
I'm having trouble understanding why you would buy an S3 with W10, and then wipe it and install W8.1? Why not just buy an S3 with W8.1 instead?

I got my S3 in Oct '15, and was installed with W8.1, so they were out there at the time. An8.1 might have been cheaper then a W10 as well.
I'm having trouble understanding why you would buy an S3 with W10, and then wipe it and install W8.1? Why not just buy an S3 with W8.1 instead?

I got my S3 in Oct '15, and was installed with W8.1, so they were out there at the time. An8.1 might have been cheaper then a W10 as well.

If the Surface 3 was available to me with Win8.1 I would have taken it any day over the Win10 model- that way I would have had the privilege of choosing EITHER OS OFFICIALLY. But the thing is Surface 3 is not available in my country (only Surface Pro 4), I had to import it and there the only option I was being offered (I monitored this over a period of more than one month) was that of Windows 10. I imported it in late January but even if I had done it in, say, early December I would have gotten only the Win 10 version.

The trouble for me is- I run a proprietary software called Agile Key-in which is a front-end module for MIS, the back-end of which is SAP. It is a very intuitive & convenient software which makes it immensely easy to access information which otherwise would involve using/interacting with SAP directly. And considering that we run much less than the latest version of SAP that would be EXTREMELY cumbersome. Now, we do use SAP directly for umpteen tasks but this program was custom-developed for our organization to make it easier/convenient to use SAP for THAT PURPOSE which this software is designed for, even for people who aren't very well verse in the software. Even, if were proficient in trans versing the various vagaries of SAP it would have still been easier to use this software for it.

We have tried using all that is possible (include using VM) to run the current version of this program on Windows 10 but it just does not run. The developer is aware of that and promises to introduce a new version of it by late-2016, which for all intent means December.

I like Windows 10 a lot. I have run the Surface in desktop mode only (using the Surface Pro 4 Pen) since receiving it 3 weeks ago. And were it not for this one major, major hitch everything would have been perfect.