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Battery Charging


New Member
I'm a first time poster, long time lurker. Got my Surface Book last week.

Last night, I shut down my device and connected it to the battery charger. I made sure that the white lights come on the charger connection, indicating there is a connection. I didn't notice what % my battery was charged; however, I am guessing that it was less than 50%.

I leave the Surface Book connected to the charger all night long. This morning, I disconnected the charger and took the device to the office; however, I never turned on the device. Tonight, I came home, turned it on, and my battery was charged only 66%.

Why didn't my battery charge to 100%. Is this a known bug? What am I doing wrong?

Thank you.
Welcome to the forum

Just a guess but it was in sleep mode for 120 minutes, (the default) and sleep mode doesn't work as expected, at least not yet. It's hard to say what it was doing but I would update all you can update and give it a day or 2 more to check again.
Leeshor, thank you so much for replying so quickly. You mention that it might have been in sleep mode. However, I am positive that when I turned my device off last night, that I went to Power and then Shut Down, and not sleep. Are you implying that even though I clicked "Shut Down" that it still defaults to "sleep" for 120 minutes?
Something similar happened to me: I 'Shut Down' the SB, but closed the lid before it had fully shut down (ie. the screen had blacked out but the CPU etc. was still churning away shutting down). When you close the lid, it may have then forced it into sleep mode, which would explain the battery drain as @leeshor said above.
Someone has experienced that the sound driver keeps running even in sleep mode. People have solved it by turning the sound completely off before entering sleep mode. Just some future advice! In this situation the unit was completely shut off, so this doesn't apply though. But if you by accident have entered sleep mode before it was able to shut down, this may have caused the massive battery drain.
Leeshor, thank you so much for replying so quickly. You mention that it might have been in sleep mode. However, I am positive that when I turned my device off last night, that I went to Power and then Shut Down, and not sleep. Are you implying that even though I clicked "Shut Down" that it still defaults to "sleep" for 120 minutes?
No, if you in fact turned it off it should have turned off and something unfinished may have awakened it again. Give it another couple days.
So, let me tell you how STUPID I am......I violated the first amendment of computer problem solving.......because this was a brand new device, I was stumped as to what could cause the lack of charging. And then, it hit me.....before I go to sleep, I always plug in my devices so that they charge overnight......I realized that my wife turned off the power strip into which the Surface Book was plugged into....no wonder it didn't charge...IT WASN'T PLUGGED IN! I am admitting my stupidity because it can be a lesson learned by everyone....the first question to ask....Is it plugged in?

Thanks everyone for your responses.....much appreciated.