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Battery Degradation


My surface was purchased in July sometime and I am showing 2.3% degradation (Capacity 42,157 mWh Wear 41,192mWh) . What is everyone else experiencing?
Drain the battery totally and charge completely after that, it will be better.

My Surface: bought Sept., 1,5% Degradation, 0,9% after a complete cycle.
Also, from personal experience, the Surface models report terribly inaccurate battery statistics. I've personally experienced this on both 1st and 2nd generation models.
Also, from personal experience, the Surface models report terribly inaccurate battery statistics. I've personally experienced this on both 1st and 2nd generation models.

This. My battery shows a different amount of degradation every day - as in, some days it's less, some days it's more. I'm currently above the original designated capacity, while a week ago I was below it. Unless you've got like 5% degradation or more, I'd say that the reading isn't at all accurate.
At one point, on my Surface RT, I was at 37% below"factory." A week later I was actually above. I never knew this report existed until I owned a surface so I'm not sure whether the issue is with the reporting or the device doing the reporting.
This. My battery shows a different amount of degradation every day - as in, some days it's less, some days it's more. I'm currently above the original designated capacity, while a week ago I was below it. Unless you've got like 5% degradation or more, I'd say that the reading isn't at all accurate.

If the stats are inaccurate, that's because you are not correctly calibrating your battery.

If you've never calibrated your device, then discharge it completely and when it shuts down you can plug the device in and leave it overnight. Try not to use it when you are doing this overnight charging.

In future, you should always calibrate your device as soon as you can on receiving it, and then recalibrate it about once per month but I think this depends on usage. In my case I think it's more suitable for me to calibrate more often as I use a lot of cycles.
No. I disagree with this. It's a consumer device being sold in masses. The average user has zero idea of calibration. It needs to work out of the box or be calibrated pre shipment.
No. I disagree with this. It's a consumer device being sold in masses. The average user has zero idea of calibration. It needs to work out of the box or be calibrated pre shipment.

Ok, you calibrate it pre-shipment. Then if you don't calibrate it a month later, you're back to square one.

The user has to do this themselves. There is no way for the battery report to work correctly if you do not calibrate your battery.

Seriously, it's not hard to run the device down once per month. You don't need to know why or how it works, you just have to run it down.

Let me also mention that this calibration is relevant to every single lithium ion device that you buy, not just a Surface Pro 3. Your phone, other laptops, headsets and whatever - it all works the same way.
Ok, you calibrate it pre-shipment. Then if you don't calibrate it a month later, you're back to square one.

The user has to do this themselves. There is no way for the battery report to work correctly if you do not calibrate your battery.

Seriously, it's not hard to run the device down once per month. You don't need to know why or how it works, you just have to run it down.

Again, this is not something you can expect from a normal user. The majority of us here are not normal users. But, this mindset you're sharing is shared by many many Microsoft enthusiasts, and I believe it's the reason why they have struggled to control the younger generations.
Again, this is not something you can expect from a normal user. The majority of us here are not normal users. But, this mindset you're sharing is shared by many many Microsoft enthusiasts, and I believe it's the reason why they have struggled to control the younger generations.

Please re-read the edit I made just before you quoted me.

This has absolutely nothing to do with Microsoft. Your phone, MacBook Air, Dell XPS, headset and whatever requires the exact same calibration.
You aren't understanding what I'm saying. It has everything to do with Microsoft and Windows as other operating systems are touting "ease" and "just working" (Apple-esque) and you're advocating asking users to calibrate their batteries monthly.

And this isn't anything personal with you, it's simply the attitude which is developed after years of being primarily entrenched with enterprise and power users.