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Bring Back Transcriber


New Member
Back with the first hand held PC with the Pocket PC range running windows mobile, there was an awesome piece of software called 'Transcriber'. This allowed a handwriting interface that utilised the whole screen and converted handwriting to text in any app. It was completely fantastic as it did not restrict handwriting input to a set box and allowed one to use handwriting in MS Word, Excel etc.

With the rebirth of sylus using devices like the Surface, it is time for Microsoft to bring back this awesome handwriting functionality. Whilst OneNote allows some handwriting to text recognition. It is still a bit clunky. Microsoft, please bring back the seemless handwriting functionality of Transrciber and release it into the beauty of the Surface environment for which it was made for.



Active Member


Staff member
Nope....Transcriber was this:


There was a form of it in the original Windows XP TabletPC Edition but it caused many problems and was replaced with the Input Panel evoked via the "TIP" in Windows XP TabletPC Edition SP1

The end results were the same....