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Choosing a Surface


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Surface pro 2 vs rt LTE or pro

The pro keyboard
Has winrar i download a lot from depositfiles mega??
Same core?? And videocard??
Games in rt
Games in pro 2
Price of the cover or bundles??
Programs for convert videos?? Total converter
Microsd card max in rt pro pro 2
Bundle 3g like huawei??
Or ftom samsung s3 from at&t using an app??
Google chromecast. Works??
Your post leaves alot to be desired in explaining things, but from the gist of it it sounds like you will need to go the Surface Pro route if you want to do video conversion and have google chromecast.

The RT does not have google chrome available, so cannot support chromecast. It also only has apps for on the windows store, and I dont believe it has (feel free someone to correct me if I am wrong) a video converter app for RT yet.

The prices for the unit and accessories all depend where you are in the world and what sales you find, fluctuates greatly lately.

The hardware is entirely different between the RT and the PROs, I would suggest doing some basic research on the forums here or google into the RT vs Pro as there are tons of very good writeups explaining it all.