I know the surface pro 2 is billed as a tablet/laptop but is it designed for constant on/off just like you would say with an ipad? Or should someone try to limit using it in this way?
I know the surface pro 2 is billed as a tablet/laptop but is it designed for constant on/off just like you would say with an ipad? Or should someone try to limit using it in this way?
I found that when using Sleep-mode, I often experienced issues when powering on -- often locking up and requiring I reboot my SP2. Someone here suggested using Hibernate instead, which I tried -- I haven't experienced a lockup since and thanks to the SSD, 'waking' from Hibernate takes no time at all...Just be sure to be using Sleep and not Hibernation...
I found that when using Sleep-mode, I often experienced issues when powering on -- often locking up and requiring I reboot my SP2. Someone here suggested using Hibernate instead, which I tried -- I haven't experienced a lockup since and thanks to the SSD, 'waking' from Hibernate takes no time at all
More of an issue with 1st & 2nd gen SSD's than 3rd gen and beyond -- regardless, I'm going to get 7-10 years of use from the 512GB Samsung SSD that's in my SP2 whether I use hibernate or not. Thanks though ;-)...using hibernate you are going to destroy your SSD. It really does not matter if you only Hibernate 5- 10 times a day...
Second what benjitek said, hibernate 5 times a day won't kill your SSD (it's a linear write anyway, which is nice to the media)