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Continued touchpad issues


New Member
I am still having continuous touchpad issues afte a year and half:

1: constantly stops working or starts to lag so much its useless.

It happens all the time, but I can make it happen by starting ms news ap and solitaire at the same time.

Both pre-installed aps!!

I have to reboot the computer once a day. Brings back (bad) memories of th 90s.

2: Single tap and double tap can only be done on the left side of the pad.

This seems get fixed and the next update it goes back.

Both issues were happend on 2 different Surface books.
I had to exhange one with baterie issues.

Help before I give up and buy a Dell XPS-13!!!
Sorry about this trouble, @TeedOffAtMS ,

It is suspicious that this has happened on two different Surface Book computers. Other things may be involved, such as programs or apps you have installed which modify the proper configuration, or even RF interference in your environment. Starting MS News, etc. may only reveal the problem which could have been caused by other software or conditions.

Does a complete Reset help?
I really dont want to go through that again.

A complete swap of the machine did not help so I dont have much hope a reset would help.

Any other sugestions?
Suggestion: Do a Reset.

What software do you add? If you have all the latest Windows updates, try using the Surface Book without your own programs to make sure it works without this problem, including "MS News and Solitaire", as you say. Then install your own 3rd party software.
Software installed is mostly normal business software.
Office 2013, team viewer and chrome. thats 99% of what I use.
Setting up office to the way I use it takes quite some time.
So doing a system reset is hugly time consuming. It amazes me it it thown arround like its not a big deal.
Actally I still have not set everyting up since replacing the hardware as I am still not conviced I will keep the machine.

Yes these issues ocured right after getting the new hardware and installing only office.
I keep thinking MS will update the driver.
The tap area seemed to hvave been fixed for a while and then after an update it went back to only the left side.