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Dual boot Win 10


I want to install Win 10 on a separate partition and dual boot. I have a guide on how to do this.

Once I get Win 10 working the way I like and other apps installed, then I would like to remove Win 8,1 and recover that space. How can I remove this? If I just delete that partition and add the space to the Win 10 partition will that work? Is there anything I need to do to eliminate the dual boot menu on startup?

Also, is there a way to get Win 10 on the Recovery Partition? I have the ISO but the recovery is WIM.

Thanks and sorry for being such a noob.
Would you mind sharing that source?
Dual Boot seems like a good idea atm, as win10 seems to have some nasty bugs for daily usage.
To recover space the partitions will have to be adjacent to each other on disk. If you took space from 8.1 partition that should be the case. see Disk Management for a visual. There may be another limitation in that it might only work using native tools if the space to recover is after the one you want to expand. I don't remember for sure but in that case a 3rd party tool will do the job.

AFAIK Win 10 insinuates itself into the Recovery Partition as people who want to go back have to nuke partitions in order to do so. But I haven't installed 10 yet and things do change in "preview" so a confirmation or correction from someone would be in order.

That last part would be something like this YMMV with W10