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Flicker Bug


New Member
I have the flicker bug.

I tried the latest Intel display drivers 15.31, but still got it.

Anyone found a solution yet? The sensor diagnostics etc on Microsoft's support site says it has an issue and gives up.

Huh, never experienced it.

I have it as well. Very pronounced with 720p video playbacks from Youtube at full screen. Please let me know if you find a way to resolve. I've done the recommended adjustments to the display settings, driver updates, etc..

FWIW - I'm running W8.1
IIRC it was a power setting and something else.

Here we go : Posted from surface pro brightness bug - Microsoft Community

Great news folks! I was able to fix this issue!!!!! :-D

So the issue appears to be the Intel HD 4000 implementing 2 forms of battery saving contrast adapting. But we have no ability to change these settings by default.

So first of all make sure your dynamic brightness is turned off in your PC Settings and/or battery plan. Then...

Go Intel's site and download and then install the latest driver for the Intel HD Graphics 4000.

I believe this is the correct link -

EDIT: Oops my link was for the 32 bit driver. This is the one you need -


This should give you access to the Intel Graphics and Media Control panel when you right click and select Graphics Properties from the desktop.


GOTO > MEDIA > IMAGE ENHANCEMENT and disable "Adaptive Contrast Enhancement"

Then GOTO > POWER > Change POWER SOURCE to "On Battery" and make sure "Display Power Saving Technology" is disabled (that is unchecked).

Click APPLY and viola no more dynamic contrast annoyances!
