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Forza 6 windows 10 on SP4

Anybody have any luck? My i7 refuses to launch. Says gfx card in incompatible. You can't even try and change screen size or gfx settings to get it to play.
At least that's better than my Fallout 4. Which launches, the goes to desktop without telling you why.
Anybody have any luck? My i7 refuses to launch. Says gfx card in incompatible. You can't even try and change screen size or gfx settings to get it to play.
At least that's better than my Fallout 4. Which launches, the goes to desktop without telling you why.
You have posted in the correct forum but you may want to add your particular i7 to your profile or your signature so everyone will know what you are using.
here's something I didn't know that worked. If you get the Your GFX card is not compatible, and all you can do is "quit", hold the PAGEUP an click on quit. It's force the game to load.

So it loads, but graphics are messed up big time. The roads are all colorfull, but you can see your car. So it's unplayable. I didn't try and update to beta drivers.

I really hate it that if you don't have a AMD/Nvidia so many things won't run.
I just looked at their system requirements. Pretty high end gaming machine stuff is their recommended hardware. I'm sure, with their video card suggestions you may be out of luck.
yeah, but I wish the games would at least load. And we can see how well it plays. I know the SP4 isn't a gaming computer, but it's one of the directX12 laptops, so you would figure a MS game should run if using the drivers set for DX12 and UWP. Not saying playable, but should run.

I just looked at their system requirements. Pretty high end gaming machine stuff is their recommended hardware. I'm sure, with their video card suggestions you may be out of luck.