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Google Chrome keyboard entry issue


Hi all. I've Scanned and can't see anyone having the issue I currently have.
Google Chrome is doing something weird when I'm searching. When I enter text to search, using the touch screen or keyboard, it sometimes works ok, but more and more is failing. It allows one text character then closes the keyboard or pop up keyboard down. There is no way to get it back except a restart of the app. I've removed and loaded back chrome. But the issue is still there, any ideas please.

Ie, seems unaffected by the same issue.
Not yet. To be honest, I want to ensure its something I've not messed around with first. Hence the question on here, in a faint hope someone will say, "oh yeah, I did that also".
I'm using Chrome 39 from the Dev channel and haven't seen this issue. Which version of Chrome are you using?

There is no way to get it back except a restart of the app.

Are you using Chrome in desktop or in "Windows 8" mode? I'm using only the desktop mode.

I have sometimes two problems with the keyboard and/or with Chrome. I guess both issues are different from yours, but you may have a look at them:

a) Sometimes when I use the onscreen keyboard with Chrome, key something in and finally press Enter, the standard Windows alert sound is played. I couldn't find a reason why it is played and I don't know if Chrome, the onscreen keyboard or the Window Manager is causing this. I haven't found a bug thread at Chrome Issues and I haven't filed one myself, because I'm not sure what's the origin of that sound.

b) Sometimes the Ctrl-key seems to be stuck. For me this is caused by playing Civilization V. If I use any application after that, every keystroke is interpreted as Ctrl+key, so any text input field in any application is affected. I reported this problem in the games thread here and hughlle suggested a working solution there.
Sorry I removed it so not sure of the version number, however, I do remember it was optimised for the high DPI screen. Not sure if that helps?

I've also had the ctrl key issue. It's a pain as the sp3 thinks you are performing a shortcut and opens up different things.
I have this too. I enter one character in the Google search bar and the keyboard on screen minimises. I have found that if you then click in the actual address bar and search that way, the keyboard stays open.
Are you running the standard Chrome 37 from the stable channel or a more experimental version (38 from Beta channel or 39 from Dev channel)?

I have never used Chrome 37 on a touch device. In the more experimental version 39 I have not seen this problem. (But there are other issue because of its experimental state).
In that case this issue has probably been fixed somewhere between the current stable Chrome 37 and the still experimental Chrome 39.

You can just wait until this fix reaches the stable version, probably in some weeks.

You could also switch to the more exprimental beta (Chrome 38) or developer channel (Chrome 39). But be aware that these versions are not meant for productive use and usually have several bugs, often introduce new features and problems. Their purpose is to find the bugs and solve them before they reach the stable channel. Switching back from an experimental version to the stable version can also result in the loss of your profile and settings. So I discourage from using Chrome Beta or Chrome Dev unless you are aware of the consequences.

If you want to verify that this bug has been solved, you can test Chrome Canary. Chrome Canary is the unstable daily build with the latest patches. It's even less stable than the developer release, but it can be installed and run without overwriting your current stable Chrome release. So you can test if the problem is solved with Chrome Canary and uninstall it afterwards.