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Hello from Alaska


New Member
Hello Everybody,

I received a Surface 2 from my wife for the holidays and could not be happier with it. Currently, I plan on using the Surface 2 as a tool to help me with my college classes and increase productivity in my job. The reason I joined this site was to communicate with other Surface owners on trending issues and gain a little more knowledge to be able to effectively use my new device. Thank you for reading and looking forward to communicating with all of you.
Hello Everybody,

I received a Surface 2 from my wife for the holidays and could not be happier with it. Currently, I plan on using the Surface 2 as a tool to help me with my college classes and increase productivity in my job. The reason I joined this site was to communicate with other Surface owners on trending issues and gain a little more knowledge to be able to effectively use my new device. Thank you for reading and looking forward to communicating with all of you.

Welcome! Where in AK are you?