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Hello from North Carolina!!!


New Member
I pre-ordered my 32gb Surface + black touch cover within the first 5 minutes of receiving the e-mail letting us know we could. Received it first thing in the morning and let my dad open it during lunch. I'm in love with this tablet and what you can do on a business level but on a personal level and video watching iPad still holds the lead. It's a great competitor tablet, but not a dethroner.
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Welcome neighbor!

Glad you are enjoying the tablet.

Stay tuned here as we help unleash its full potential.
I pre-ordered my 32gb Surface + black touch cover within the first 5 minutes of receiving the e-mail letting us know we could. Received it first thing in the morning and let my dad open it during lunch. I'm in love with this tablet and what you can do on a business level but on a personal level and video watching iPad still holds the lead. It's a great competitor tablet, but not a dethroner.

Welcome to the forum. I guess that last statement depends on if you are a business user or a movie watcher. It is certainly a dethroner in the first case ;) Either way it doesn't have to dethrone it just has to get a decent share of the market. I am sure MS will be very happy if the Surface RT can pick up anything close to 10% of the market. That plus other RT tablets, Windows 8 tablets and Windows Phones will go a long way towards MS building a new stake in the mobile/tablet markets which they have been sorely missing.