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Hello from VA


New Member
Hey I just joined. I don't have a Surface tablet but I've done a great deal of research on the platform and am looking forward to getting a Surface RT very soon. I'm currently an iPad 2 user. I'm wondering why there is no Surface RT forum? Seems like there is a forum for each other item, but not for the original RT device. Looking forward to learning a lot here.
Hi Phil, welcome to the forum!

How will you be using the RT, what kinds of things will you be doing with ?
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In general I'll be using it for kindle reading, web browsing, light gaming, social media, email, etc. Same simple stuff I use my iPad 2 for.

Specifically I'm going on vacation soon, so I'll be using it for movies, reading, games on the flight. iPad2 could do that, but with the 4x3 display and 32 Gigs I wouldn't have much to choose from and it would be small pictures.

Also, during my vacation I'll be using it daily to move pictures and videos that I take on my DSLR and phone during my touring days to the Surface. Then at the end of the vacation when I get home I'll offload them all onto my PC for editing together. I couldn't do that with the iPad at all since there's no file management on the iPad to speak of. I'll have 64G built on board and a 64G Micro-SD card.

I can't believe the bargain that the Surface RT represents - they can be had new for under $250 with 64G storage!
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A, this section is new, or? I always wondered why there is no section for the first Surface RT :) ..