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Hello from Wisconsin


New Member
hello. I am new to this forum but not to tablets. I have used various Windows tablets over the years, Dell, Toshiba, and Fujitsu. Started using iPads when they first came out and stayed with. Them because of instant on and long battery life. Size and weight were nice as well. For work I really need to run programs that are only available on Windows such as Microsoft Project and Visio. I REALLY missed One Note and the group scheduling abilities in Outlook. I was using VMware View to run a virtual Windows desktop, but that is not as nice as having applications running natively.
I pre-ordered an RT even though Microsoft has decided to not release an Outlook client and made it illegal to use the version of Office on the RT for work, even illegal to use for non-profit work....crazy, just crazy.

Really waiting for the WindowsPro version.

Welcome, you definitely sound like a Windows Pro user. Should be great on tablets with the Windows 8 touch redesign.