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High CPU utilization booting in dock


New Member
I've been noticing a strange reproducible issue that does not seem to, as yet, have been reported here. When cold booting the SurfacePro 3 (SP3) in the dock, CPU utilization creeps up, when idle, to around 28%-30% with no apparent cause. The utilization is by System and System Interrupt processes according to the task manager. I've been able to reproduce this daily, and it does not occur when the device is started outside of the dock. I can also stop this utilization issue by undocking the device hot (while running) and re-docking. You can actually have the task manager running at the time and watch these two processes stop eating the CPU when you do this. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening or is this occurring to others?
There was a Firmware Update that should have solved that, while plugged into the dock run Windows Update.
Update to this issue...still occurring. Previously reported that the firmware update resolved the problem, however, it appears that the application of the firmware update and successive restart had the same effect as hot disconnect/connect in that it reset these processes and reduced CPU utilization. This issue is still occurring as reported.
I have the exact same problem as you describe. I have found also if you do a restart while in the dock, it will go to normal CPU usage levels. It is reproduced even when no ports on the dock are used. Appears to be a problem from a cold boot detecting the presence of the dock.
I don't have a dock, but still happens when a USB3.0 hub (with Ethernet adapter) is in USB port.
you're right. I booted the SP out of the dock, with the Surface Pro Ethernet adapter connected to the USB port. Interrupts and Compressed Memory process using about 30% CPU

Booted without anything connected to USB and normal CPU usage.

Booted with a Kingston USB Flash Stick...High CPU usage again

so its not specific to the dock, its specific to a USB device being detected upon boot of the SP.
For everyone that has this problem, do you also have Cortana disabled? I did and I have enabled Cortana, and enabled the "Hey Cortana" option -- CPU usage back to normal...would like to know results of others please post here!
For everyone that has this problem, do you also have Cortana disabled? I did and I have enabled Cortana, and enabled the "Hey Cortana" option -- CPU usage back to normal...would like to know results of others please post here!

Yes, your work around eliminates the CPU usage I was seeing. I bet most people don't even know this is happening. My battery life thanks you! I am going to research to see if there is an actual fix.

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CPU load high when docked - Although, this happens when I am docked or not.