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How do I fix the type cover keyboard, reinsert key


New Member
Like the bonehead that I am, I removed the down arrow from my keyboard because it was sticking a little bit (probably due to food that got wedged). I'm now having trouble reinserting the key back into the Type Cover keyboard.

Anyone have advice? When I press down the right side of the button attaches to the keyboard but not the left side.
I'm glad you posted this, I'm looking for similar help.

Something dripped between the "N" and "spacebar" keys on my type cover, and now they're sticking. I tried cleaning it last night, but now it's worse. How did you remove the keys safely?

I am not going to remove them until we find the appropriate way to re-attach them.
I definite do not recommend that you remove a key from the keyboard, given the problem I'm having putting it back. I did actually remove a key before and was able to put it back...but not this time!
Well I definitely don't want to be stuck with these keys acting like this; the keyboard obviously still works, but the n and spacebar keys are slow to retract after pressed, it makes for an odd feeling.
The keys just pull off, and snap back on. The plastic is pretty tough so you shouldnt worry too much about breaking it. If it wont snap on right, just make sure the part still on the keyboard is aligned, then check the key out and make sure the grooves are in good condition that it snaps into, then try again.