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I Wish I Had Purchased the 64 GB Version


After a month of use my only regret is that I went with the 32 GB device. I actually was not planning on using it as extensively as I have. It is a nice little device. Fantastic for travel and it really has replaced more of my laptop requirements than I thought it would have. Now I am just running into a memory issue. Not the end of the world, I am pruning podcasts and such, but I would really advise anybody to go 64 GB.
I also felt that way at first, now in my third week the trick I found was management and an SD card.
Have linked my Pics, Music, Videos, Docs, and Downloads to a 64 g SD.
Keep my email app clean (delete un needed mail), run disk space once a week and hve more space than I started with 14.g
I know what you mean! I'm running with only 8gb of free space on my drive right now and I've only had my Surface for 2 weeks! Managed to snag a 32GB Class 10 SD card though during black friday for only $16 thankfully. I've got too many Apps installed for my own good. Here is to hoping that Microsoft allows you to install Apps to the SD card soon...
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Does the speed class on the SD card make a noticeable difference when using it on the Surface? I was planning to buy a 64 gig and use it as my Picture/Music/Movie hub and I am curious if its worth the extra $$$.
I haven't put much on it just yet to test, sorry. But with my other devices it does matter for sure.
Does the speed class on the SD card make a noticeable difference when using it on the Surface? I was planning to buy a 64 gig and use it as my Picture/Music/Movie hub and I am curious if its worth the extra $$$.

I've got a Sandisk 64GB microSDXC card in mine, on which I store movies, music, and documents like Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. Everything runs smoothly, including the mp4 movies I "handbraked" and stored on the card. So, even though onboard storage will always be faster than an add-on card, in your real-life experience I don't think you'll see any difference.