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Internet Explorer can't show many webpages


New Member
My business is based on an online marketing research application and I need to run my surveys online on a browser.

The application is written in .NET C# and doesn't require any application to be installed on the client side.

All my surveys show the first page, when click on nex button to nex page, it shows a blank page and I can't go on.

I've tested the both METRO and Desktop Internet Explorer.

I'm really frustrated with it. I can't access also none of my internet banking services. All need to install a Java client app.

I just can't agree with the simple answer that the companies should provide proper applications. A browser is an productive universal tool and have to work full on any device, specially a device using a O.S. with a name Windows X.

Well, I know I will hear about the next Surface PRO comming, but with it's weight and battery time, it's not a tablet, but a compact and lightwave PC.
Hi, Internet Explorer 10 does display multiple pages in form of tabs. If the website you're accessing is using a pop-up instead, it must be enabled for that site. We use online surveys too, the Prognostic System used by Microsoft and Metrics That Matters. How the C# applications open up a new browser tab is something you have to look at, and coukd be easily changed.

I can access ALL my internet banking accouts, two local ones, and I know one is built on Solaris/Oracle/Java platform, and the third one is my HSBC account.

Java client is a know restriction on the Surface RT. And yes, I do believe that companies should provide proper applications. Remember the days when Netscape and Microsoft nearly bastardized the HTML standards?

Any browser on any device should do what is supposed to do

Hi Arnold, my problem is not with pop-up windows or new tab. The page was supposed to be loaded on the same tab/window when I click on "NEXT" on the survey, but just a blank page is shown.

About the Netscape example, I think we are already far from those days. Navigation thru websites should be smooth on ANY new device with internet connection. I can agree with a thought that is far from the customer side. Something like "I make a new device to be used to browse the internet, but the world have to ajust to my limitations", while it doesn't happen, the customer have no option. As I mentioned, my two banks (Santander and Bank of Brazil, both in the list of 50 largest banks of the world, and install Java add-ins for security purposes, something common and smooth to any internet browser deal with.

It's quite simple to find excuses to NOT offering a full compatibility browser. A browser can be useless to thouthands or even millions of people when they are not fully compatible with most common used web technologies.

I'm tired of seen AppleManiacs, MicrosofrManiacs and other inconditional fans that are not able to admit real lack of features or limitations on their beloved companies/brands.

by the way, sorry if my english is not that good.

Take Care !

Hi, Internet Explorer 10 does display multiple pages in form of tabs. If the website you're accessing is using a pop-up instead, it must be enabled for that site. We use online surveys too, the Prognostic System used by Microsoft and Metrics That Matters. How the C# applications open up a new browser tab is something you have to look at, and coukd be easily changed.

I can access ALL my internet banking accouts, two local ones, and I know one is built on Solaris/Oracle/Java platform, and the third one is my HSBC account.

Java client is a know restriction on the Surface RT. And yes, I do believe that companies should provide proper applications. Remember the days when Netscape and Microsoft nearly bastardized the HTML standards?

Not sure why you are having issues but the Surface RT does in fact have one of the most fully functional, capable browsers. More than likely you need to find a setting or work around to enable the web browsing you are seeking on the user side.
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Hey, no need to apologize about your English, which is pretty good to begin with. Santander, yes of course, the sponsor of Fernando Alonso :D

Right now, the only solution if you still want this eco-system, i.e., Windows 8, is go with Windows 8 Pro devices, and you don't need to be stuck with a Surface as other manufacturers are making their devices available now.
OP - Have you attempted to use Compatibility Settings under the Desktop version of IE to see if that clears up the issue with the Survey Site? Also, plug-ins are and will not be supported in the RT because they are responsible for code decay and instability in IE, so your Java sites will not work. I find one of the biggest issues is web developers spent so much time coding to IE 6 that it causes the issues with the newer browsers.

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