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is it really too much to ask for a power button that actually works?


Active Member
and to get rid of this whole "push power button, NOTHING HAPPENS" crap?

seriously, what morons wrote the software for this?

here, I found this portable computer from 1981 that has a functional power button. So why the f*** is microsoft such an insufferably incompetent company that they can't figure out how to do power management for their own computers?

1000/1000 times I've turned my macbook on, it's turned the f*** on. Same goes for my Nexus 9 with android, so what the heck are they doing over at microsoft?


Same here, I think there is a 2-5 second delay from when you push the power button for it to actually do anything. It is a change from the SP3, but once you understand the delay, it seems to work fine.
Actually the delay was designed to prevent accidental powering on causing "Hot-bagging"
Actually the delay was designed to prevent accidental powering on causing "Hot-bagging"

not talking about that. I'm talking about

1. press on button
2. nothing happens at all (if you have hello enabled you see the red scanner light turn on, but the screen does not turn on at all)
3. *sometimes* if you wait 10-20 seconds and try hitting power again, then everything turns on normally
4. other times the device will not turn on at all and you have to hold the power button down and cold boot

also: in event logs its noted as a power issue

also2: this same bulls*** happened in the SP2 which means, quite literally, that Microsoft has absolutely no idea what they're even doing and the only way at this point that we'll start seeing these bugs getting fixed is if they fired the entire surface team and just buy out some other company that actually knows what they're doing. I'm thoroughly convinced that, at least on the software side of things, the surface team is completely stacked full of idiots.
not talking about that. I'm talking about

1. press on button
2. nothing happens at all (if you have hello enabled you see the red scanner light turn on, but the screen does not turn on at all)
3. *sometimes* if you wait 10-20 seconds and try hitting power again, then everything turns on normally
4. other times the device will not turn on at all and you have to hold the power button down and cold boot

also: in event logs its noted as a power issue

also2: this same bulls*** happened in the SP2 which means, quite literally, that Microsoft has absolutely no idea what they're even doing and the only way at this point that we'll start seeing these bugs getting fixed is if they fired the entire surface team and just buy out some other company that actually knows what they're doing. I'm thoroughly convinced that, at least on the software side of things, the surface team is completely stacked full of idiots.
What you are dealing with is the Graphics Driver issue, I installed the December Beta Video Driver directly from Intel and I'm not having these issues anymore.