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Is it recommended to put a fan during summer?


New Member
It's currently hot in Australia and summer is coming soon! I can't really afford to turn on the air conditioner all day so my alternative was to put 2 standing fans in my room which is a lot cheaper for electricity usage.

Now my question is it recommended to put a small desk fan sitting behind my surface pro2? since SP2 already has 2 built-in fans
I don't know if anyone is making general recommendations for that. The tweaking and overclocking performance maximization enthusiasts would probably recommend anything that get's a small increase.

You might look into a laptop cooler.
I think the lap cooler is a better idea. Trying to blow air at the vents will not help as it would impede airflow.
A few people have experimented with laptop coolers with good results but you're free to use a box fan if you want :)
I don't know how hot is your place. Like how actually hot it is. All depends on the construction of the walls. For example, buildings built before drywall existed, cement on mesh was used. You had a professional that were putting the wall studs, then a chicken wire type mesh, and poor multiple layer of cement and tried to make a straight wall. My place is made like that. The results is that the place is cooler than outside. Houses, were more focused on heat retention, so it was pleases of wood, and then plaster the crap out of it, and tried to make a straight wall (I am in Canada). As for drywall, then it depends on the isolation in the outer walls.

All to say, the interior temperature is what in comparison to outside.

Assuming it's not super hot inside. And are ok with a room fan. Than the Surface Pro 2 should handle the heat just fine. You'll probably not enjoy the max speed of the system, but it should peek at 2.00GHz