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Laptop died, thinking of a Surface RT


New Member
Hi all,

So i've been using my laptop for like three or four years now and it's just over now. I could go for a new laptop, but my mind has been on a Surface for a while now. Now i know that it is said that a Surface RT can't replace your laptop or PC, but what about in my case? I'll explain a few things. Basically i used my laptop for:

- File explorer (to drag and drop pictures, videofiles, mp3s from one folder to another, or from USB stick to laptop etc)
- Browsing the internet. (Youtube, writing for our own site in Wordpress, streaming some trailers and stuff)
- Skype for messaging.
- Watching videos in either mediaplayer, VLC and so on.

And that really is about it. No gaming or whatsoever. I really really like the idea of having a tablet and also the keyboard cover with it, VERY handy for when i go on trips for our site and we need to type things down while watching demonstrations. I truly don't see why i wouldn't have enough with a Surface RT. Last but not least...specs!

The specs of my laptop were: Intel Core I3 CPU M330 2.13ghz, 4GB Ram, Radeon 5470 and Windows 7, 64 bit.

Would a Surface RT be on par with that? So basically....i CAN use the Surface for all the things i mentioned right? Making this move really doesn't sound too bad at all in my opinion. Oh and what are some very very good reasons to reconsider and go for a Surface Pro instead?
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I just answered your same post at TabletPC Review. . . so yes it can as long as you accept that RT won't run legacy x86 software.
For what you just described, the RT would suffice. Just like the last poster mentioned, if you can live that the RT wont run any x86 software, then you're good.
For what you just described, the RT would suffice. Just like the last poster mentioned, if you can live that the RT wont run any x86 software, then you're good.

With x86 software people mean things like Photoshop, Firefox, Chrome, or things like CCleaner and so on? Basically in that sense a bit restricted?

And it's going to be my first time with Windows RT, compared to Android. Would you prefer Windows RT? If so...why?

I ask this because i'm a bit on the fence about the Surface RT and the Asus TF300T.
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Correct, anything that use a .msi or .exe to install will not work on RT. If you decide you need that I would look at the Atom based Tablets as they use an x86 CPU instead of ARM. Ones to consider, Samsung ATIV 500T, or they're new ATIV Tab 3, Acer W510 or W310, Lenovo Mix 10 or upcoming Mix 8...
Correct, anything that use a .msi or .exe to install will not work on RT. If you decide you need that I would look at the Atom based Tablets as they use an x86 CPU instead of ARM. Ones to consider, Samsung ATIV 500T, or they're new ATIV Tab 3, Acer W510 or W310, Lenovo Mix 10 or upcoming Mix 8...

I've checked for the ATIV, but there's no price yet,so i guess not available here yet. The W510 is pricier than the Surface RT(but ok..it runs Win8) but it lacks the awesome design of the Surface. For any kind of tool or program that i'd normally use in Windows 7 on my laptop, like winrar or winzip or whatsoever, surely there are similar programs for RT? I've been doing some thinking about what kind of things i had installed recently and in total on my laptop, and really most of the time it was either a rar or zip file, a exe file to update a graphics card, but i'm sure that works in its own ways on RT. So i really should be good. But i'm gonna do some good research on all the others you mentioned.

So i checked for the Lenovo's as well, but there's very little info for our country yet. Doesn't seem to be available.
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With x86 software people mean things like Photoshop, Firefox, Chrome, or things like CCleaner and so on? Basically in that sense a bit restricted?

And it's going to be my first time with Windows RT, compared to Android. Would you prefer Windows RT? If so...why?

I ask this because i'm a bit on the fence about the Surface RT and the Asus TF300T.

You have to install your software through the Windows Store - just like on Android or iOS. Android allows alternative stores, but the same concept remains.
What I like about the Surface RT is that its Windows. Your file operations will be exactly the same as you are already used to. If you get windows 8 on a desktop or laptop, it will be the same interface and can run the same apps from the Windows store that you already own. Android tablets are fine, but many of the apps are phone apps blown up for a bigger screen. Then again, that platform has more apps available. I prefer the more consistent way Metro/Modern apps look and feel and I'm a big fan of the Windows live tiles for notifications for new emails, current weather, chat, calendar, news headlines, etc. Android just looks like a cluttered mess to me. iOS is cleaner, but feels a little behind current tech IMO.
You have to install your software through the Windows Store - just like on Android or iOS. Android allows alternative stores, but the same concept remains.
What I like about the Surface RT is that its Windows. Your file operations will be exactly the same as you are already used to. If you get windows 8 on a desktop or laptop, it will be the same interface and can run the same apps from the Windows store that you already own. Android tablets are fine, but many of the apps are phone apps blown up for a bigger screen. Then again, that platform has more apps available. I prefer the more consistent way Metro/Modern apps look and feel and I'm a big fan of the Windows live tiles for notifications for new emails, current weather, chat, calendar, news headlines, etc. Android just looks like a cluttered mess to me. iOS is cleaner, but feels a little behind current tech IMO.

I'm with you on that, i really like that file explorer for example is there in Windows RT and that is something that won't be available at all on Android. And i think there's still plenty of things that just don't run on Android, right? Like say for example an AVI file, will that play on Android? What about codecs on Windows RT by the way? It's probably gonna be between the Surface RT for its awesome design, man i love it....or...the IMO much uglier Acer W510, but it runs Windows 8. I just need to find out for myself if i really need Windows 8.
I'm new to Surface RT. I had an Android Tablet, and I was very disappointed in both the manufacturer and the OS. I did considerable research and chose the Surface RT. I've had it over a week and could not be happier. I find the features of Windows 8 and the modern UI superior to iOS and Android. I use Mail, web, Kindle, movies and Office. Not a crash or a glitch. I could not say the same for Android, even after one day.
I should also point out I own an iMac and the wife has an iPad. I was never a MS fan but I feel like they have a winner with Surface.

Sent from the SurfaceForums.net app for Windows 8
I'm new to Surface RT. I had an Android Tablet, and I was very disappointed in both the manufacturer and the OS. I did considerable research and chose the Surface RT. I've had it over a week and could not be happier. I find the features of Windows 8 and the modern UI superior to iOS and Android. I use Mail, web, Kindle, movies and Office. Not a crash or a glitch. I could not say the same for Android, even after one day.
I should also point out I own an iMac and the wife has an iPad. I was never a MS fan but I feel like they have a winner with Surface.

Sent from the SurfaceForums.net app for Windows 8

Yeah i feel the same way man. Android is nice for phones and stuff, but not for this. I'm gonna head into town tomorrow and i might return home with a Surface RT. There's the 32 and 64GB version. Both are at a discount, because both include either the touch or type keyboard. The 32GB is 480 euros and the 64GB is 580. I see no reason going for the 64GB, might as well just buy a 64GB micro SD card for much cheaper.
Here's my "short" answer, followed by rambling...If you have any desktop applications you can't live without, go for the Acer or other x86 tablet. If videos are your highest priority and you don't want to wait for Surface to come out with great video software, go for Android. If browsing, blogging, file explorer and design are your highest priorities, go for the Surface.

Now the rambling...The Surface RT browser does not seem to get much hype, but let me rave about it for a moment - IT'S A REAL FREAKIN' WEB BROWSER - not a mobile phone browser or a tablet browser ... I live in my browser when I'm not at work and It sounds like you spend a good amount of time online also so I would definitely put this into your mix for consideration.

I have an iPad an a 7" Android tablet - the web experience is not at all the same. I've tried Safari and Chrome and Opera and Dolphin and ... Many others ... All fine for quick searches but I wouldn't want any of them as my only browser option. Let me also say don't try blogging on a mobile browser ... I've got 2 blogs and it's nothing but frustration ... but blogging is brilliant and easy on the RT (I use blogger, though)!

I'd guess Android probably does better at Videos, but Surface is already getting some good third party software and I can't imagine it will be too much longer before there are solid and robust offerings. I haven't actually tried to play a video that didn't work, but I know there are numerous formats out there and so I would assume the newest platform (Windows RT) may not play them all yet.

I had the Ativ 500T (Windows x86) because I thought I could not live without legacy software but replaced it with the Surface (which I prefer). The design and quality are unsurpassed, and I found I really didn't need to run desktop applications for 99.9% of what I do. This may sound strange, but the Surface is actually way faster because there isn't a whole bunch of unneeded crap always running in the background.