I will find out soon but I think in my sleep I somehow hit something that told it to reinstall Windows 10. It says "Updating Windows" and "Your PC will restart several times." It's been 2 hours. "Copying files Installing features and drivers." "Configuring settings."
This is very freaky. A voice that says "Getting your PC ready. This might take a few minutes. Don't turn off your PC." Then there is script on the screen "We've got some new features to get excited about."
Maybe MS is rolling out an update in California before other places. That is the only explanation I can think of.
It must have reinstalled Windows 10. When I go to my update history it shows that there had been no updates installed. I must have installed a fresh version of Windows 10 that did not require any updates. All of my applications are still there.
Maybe Microsoft is so desperate to get people to upgrade to Windows 10 that it is upgrading even the people that already have Windows 10!
I do feel light-headed. But I had my device next to me playing Klitchko boxing match. (Sure to put you to sleep.)
I turned off the video in the middle of the night because it woke me up.
This morning it was running my podcast program OK, and then I could see it was starting to update.
There must be a way someone can reinstall OS 10 by messing around with it in their half-sleep. Doesn't look like there are any issues. What an adventure.