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Metro Calender App Color


In the settings menu there is a choice of color for the app. When I change the color to something else, the tile still appears purple and the appearance of the app (once opened) appears to not have changed. What is the color choice in the Calendar settings designed to change?
In the settings menu there is a choice of color for the app. When I change the color to something else, the tile still appears purple and the appearance of the app (once opened) appears to not have changed. What is the color choice in the Calendar settings designed to change?

if I'm not mistaken, I believe the color choices are for different calendars (ie personal, family, birthdays, work, bowling, etc)
if I'm not mistaken, I believe the color choices are for different calendars (ie personal, family, birthdays, work, bowling, etc)

Wow! You are correct - my Calendar app menu now has three color options - one color option for my personal (local) entries, one color for birthdays and one color for US holidays. Apparently, I was trying to configure this when I was not connected to a network and there was only the option for my personal entries (and I had not made any personal entries yet).

But, I guess this calendar app doesn't remember holidays (it has to be connected to display them?). I am often in areas with no connectivity so that doesn't work for me. I'm assuming it doesn't remember holidays because it doesn't appear to show them when I am not connected. And I cannot see any method to enter birthdays locally. It appears I need to connect the calendar app to a networked account so it can download birthdays?

As much as I like the power, performance and fast boot-up-shut down of my MS SPro, I think the Metro interface/apps needs some work. It seems really dumbed down in that the customization abilities are severely limiting. This is why I don't like using my wife's Mac Book Pro - most software doesn't have enough options (it expects everyone works the same way and just needs a bare bones feature set).

I guess that's why I'm a PC guy - I'm not sure MS has a winning strategy trying to emulate a platform that a decent portion of users find too simplistic.
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Yes, the Metro calendar sucks ass.
I use google calendar as my main calendar, and color code my events (red for important meeting, blue non-important, green personal etc.) It makes it very easy to group events, make sure I don't forget important things etc.

When I import my google calendar everything in the Metro calendar looks the same. It's almost useless.

I find it easier just using google calendar in the browser. It looks better, and has more functionality.