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Microsoft surface stream iTunes from Laptop

Also, OneDrive gives up 20GB to store Music in the Music Folder, making that music available on any device running Xbox Music (regardless of platform), so you could copy your iTunes Library to OneDrive and be done with it :)
Also, OneDrive gives up 20GB to store Music in the Music Folder, making that music available on any device running Xbox Music (regardless of platform), so you could copy your iTunes Library to OneDrive and be done with it :)
Thanks for sharing this tip. I didn't know that Xbox Music could stream music from OneDrive.
Guys, if you don't know the answer, don't have any idea how the software in question works, the most helpful thing is to refrain from answering and suggesting that someone moves to an entirely new music service when the one he is already invested in provides multiple ways to do exactly what he's asking.

Home Share is the free way to do this, but you have to be on the same network as the computer hosting the iTunes library (which of course must also be powered on).

iTunes Match is the paid method, but it will give you direct streaming access to your entire library from any device from any network.
So I feel I must repeat myself that Google Music is the FREE way to do the same thing. This works for anyone even if you don't like Google. ;)
It's only FREE if you don't value your time at anything. He's already invested in a system. A system that provides exactly what he wants, ALSO for free, or offers a more flexible and powerful option for the trivial sum of $25 a year.
I'm not trying to disagree with you but you pointed out that Home Share would require you be on the same network, which would not be the case with the music on Google.
It's only FREE if you don't value your time at anything. He's already invested in a system. A system that provides exactly what he wants, ALSO for free, or offers a more flexible and powerful option for the trivial sum of $25 a year.
He's also vested in the Surface Ecosystem, so giving alternative methods that will give a better experience while not negatively impacting the stability and battery life is Germaine within the forum. iTunes on Windows has huge negative impacts on battery life and stability. The alternatives such as OneDrive Music streaming does not....
I understand that. But the original question related specifically to being able to stream his music on his home network. Which is free, and requires him to do nothing but to navigate to the appropriate section in iTunes and start playing the music.

iTunes Match is the service if you want streaming from any of your devices anywhere. Personally, at $25/year, it's worth it if you want that service and are in any way invested in iTunes. Changing services is a pain that will cost most people a lot more than $25 in time.